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Tag: Strategy

8 Crucial Tips to Win in Multi-Table Tournaments Strategy

27 Apr, 2018 8 Crucial Tips to Win in Multi-Table Tournaments

Multi-Table Tournaments (MTTs) are probably the most productive game for poker players. In any case, numerous players particularly the new ones don’t know how to go for a win in such tournaments. There are a few things to be remembered while playing MTTs, but the patience is above...

Online Poker Sleep Routine Strategy

25 Apr, 2018 Online Poker Sleep Routine

Playing Poker is a lot of fun and players don’t realise how time passes while playing the game. Players tend to sit for hours at the Poker table or in front of their computer screens. Playing online Poker is very helpful as players can play anytime according to their convenience. Player...

Advices to Advance Your Bubble Poker Strategy Strategy

25 Apr, 2018 Advices to Advance Your Bubble Poker Strategy

The bubble is a standout amongst the most critical phases of any poker tournaments and is likewise one of the easiest to misunderstand also. It might give you a chance to ponder whether you ought to get in such sort of circumstances in any case. Some players will always demonstrate that...

The Ultimate Blueprint for Poker Success! Strategy

23 Apr, 2018 The Ultimate Blueprint for Poker Success!

You will find a lot of forums online where people keep asking the successful mantra for success in poker. The reason they visit such forums is that they believe there is a shortcut to winning big in poker. It’s a pity they still think that poker is a game of luck rather than a game [&he...

The Importance of Correct Pre-Flop Decisions in Poker Strategy

22 Apr, 2018 The Importance of Correct Pre-Flop Decisions in Poker

Poker is easy to learn but can take a lifetime to master. A challenging yet fun goal, mastering the game of poker can take time. Every move you make, however petty you think it might be, turns out to be essential in the game of poker. The importance of correct pre-flop decisions is cruc...

How to Spot a Bluff in Poker Strategy

20 Apr, 2018 How to Spot a Bluff in Poker

Level of Reading: Beginner Player You probably heard the name of the Bollywood motion picture of the 60s era Bluff Master’ featuring Shammi Kapoor and with a similar title in the year 2005 featuring Abhishek Bachchan. If you have watched any of these two motion pictures then you p...

28 Things to do in Poker Strategy

17 Apr, 2018 28 Things to do in Poker

The year comes once at regular intervals and gives you #1LessDayToPlay! Here are 28 things a poker player can do to make their game way better than it already is: Offer your adoration for the game with others. Bring over your non-poker mates enjoy a couple of poker game and it will be t...

Five Key Tactics of Omaha Hi-Lo Strategy

17 Apr, 2018 Five Key Tactics of Omaha Hi-Lo

In recent time, Omaha High-Low (Hi-Lo) has increased colossal prominence in both live and online stages, with online poker sites also presenting this variation. On account of its plentiful activity and assortment of play, it is viewed as a prominent ‘part pot’ poker variatio...

Ten Things to Study Before Going Pro Strategy

16 Apr, 2018 Ten Things to Study Before Going Pro

First and foremost, playing poker does not offer a settled pay as a 9 to 5 work. If you intend to end up a poker player, at that point, you won’t have a stable compensation. Fundamentally, it is one of those employments wherein you go to work and you very well might lose cash. No ...

Playing with Ace King in Tournaments Strategy

11 Apr, 2018 Playing with Ace King in Tournaments

We are certain, many of you have heard players grumbling having lost a major pot with A-K. Careless anger is a regular error when holding Ace-King. Specifically by those players who don’t see how helpless this hand can be. Consistently in online poker game tournament at some point...

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