Congratulations are in order for poker player Harshdev Jhirmiria. The player nailed the Mystery Bounty event at the ongoing Poker Dream 9 Malaysia for a sum of RM 188K (approx. ₹33,07,770). The young lad who collected RM 98K in bounty money qualified for Day 2 via Day 1C flight. Jhirmiria who’s been grinding in the series, posted the news of him shipping the tourney on his Instagram Stories. The Mumbai lad kept his followers updated about his progress in the Mystery Bounty tournament.
This event had a buy-in of RM 3,000 while the prize pool settled at RM 1.5 Million. Participants received a starting stack of 30,000 chips. The levels in the game lasted for 30 minutes with the late registration closing at the end of Level 10. This event had four starting day flights namely, Day 1A, Day 1B, Day 1C, and Day 1D. The event saw over 575 total entries with 86 places being paid. The min-cash stood at RM 2,000.
Talking about the Poker Dream 9 Malaysia series, this event is hosted in association with Top Joy Poker Malaysia. The series runs between 28th March and 8th April 2024 at Genting Highlands. When it comes to the Main Event, Poker Dream has put RM 10,500,000 GTD up for grabs. The buy-in for this coveted tournament sits at RM 3,600. The much awaited Main Event will have starting flights running from Day 1A to Day 1M. The last two flights will be hosted in turbo and hyper turbo format.
ALSO READ: Poker Dream Opens 2024 With First Stop Malaysia
Coming to the Indian players grinding at the Poker Dream 9 Malaysia series, we have Zarvan Tumboli (defending Main Event champion) and Pocket52 Team Pro, Dhaval Mudgal locking horns for the top spot. Currently, Tumboli has bagged and tagged for Day 2 of the Super High Roller.
This event had a buy-in of RM 30,000 with a starting stack of 500,000 chips. Late registration will be closed at the end of Level 14. It remains interesting to see if the Mumbai-based poker pro ships the Super High Roller tourney. The final day of this event will resume on 4th April at 1 PM local time.
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With a Masters Degree in Journalism and Communication, Mrinal Gujare currently is cruising through an exciting genre of writing and editing at Gutshot Magazine. Apart from being an Editor, Mrinal is an avid reader and a former contemporary dancer. She is also perennially hungry for intriguing scoops from across the globe. No holds barred is the rule Mrinal follows in life.
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