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Category: Promotion

sponsored female pro Promotion

01 Nov, 2018 All you need to know about India’s first sponsored female pro!

India is proud to present her first sponsored professional female Poker player, Muskan Sethi. The young and gorgeous Muskan who is barely in her late twenties had been a Poker enthusiast for a long time before she took the plunge to play the game professionally. Sethi who has been born ...

Earning higher in Poker Promotion

30 Oct, 2018 Earning higher in Poker

The amount of money that you win at the poker table depends on several varying factors. The number of players at the table to the stakes at risk and the smartness that you portray at the table, making money is quite difficult in the initial stage especially when you lack the knowledge. ...

Poker Wear Promotion

28 Oct, 2018 Does what you wear defines who you are at Poker?

‘Can’t read my Poker face’, probably a few words summed up together to define the experience of the Poker players who aspire to climb the heights of success while concealing their expressions from their opponents or through throwing an exceptionally well dressed or oddly dressed persona...

Poker Movies Promotion

26 Oct, 2018 Top 5 Poker Movies

A remarkable aspect concerning an excellent poker motion picture is that you don’t need to be a specialist poker player, or even a player at all besides, to welcome the game estimation of the story-line in these movies. There’s only something about the high stakes show and t...


17 Oct, 2018 Reasons why playing Poker on Mobile phone is amazing!

Poker has been a game of consistency in practice and determination for as long as it has been played. But there have been improvisations in the playing methodologies and game layout over the years, online Poker has not only gain prominence but also popularity among the masses relating t...

Betting on Mobile Promotion

14 Oct, 2018 Betting on Mobile – Advantages and Disadvantages

For an initial couple of long stretches of the poker blast, versatile players were restricted to only two or three locales. The same was valid for those needing to play club games on their cell phones. Fortunately, the prominence of portable gaming detonated to the point where destinati...

3 Harmlessly awesome ways Promotion

01 Oct, 2018 3 Harmlessly awesome ways to become rich right now

While the world considers an individual’s inclination towards making a hugely desired amount of money as a toxic habit, we are forgetting to device the fact that lack of money is in fact the most common factor in most of the social issues in any economy. Hence, let’s speak of the elepha...

riches by playing Poker Promotion

30 Sep, 2018 People who went from rags to riches by playing Poker

Poker is known to be a treasure chest if played with knowledge and wisdom. Hence, without any doubt the game has a mass competing against each other each hour of the day trying to prove their worth to the world by earning credits and the title as the Poker player of the era. In spite [&...

Gambler Promotion

29 Sep, 2018 5 Things to abstain from saying to a Winning Gambler

We love watching a Winning Gambler when they are on a winning streak. It’s amusing to become involved with the minute and yell inspirational statements, however, ensure you aren’t hollering the accompanying: #5 – “Can you lend me a few chips?” This additionally o...

Poker Movies Promotion

29 Sep, 2018 5 Poker Movies that will have you hooked

Hollywood always seems to have a quick scrutiny in movie plots that have a huge potential of audience engagement. One such profitable subject of mass entertainment is ‘Poker’ which in spite of being a table game is played both, online, offline and offers the adrenaline factor to its adm...

Natural8 India

Top 15 Poker Rooms

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