In a news report by Pune Mirror, college students from Pune were lured into online cricket betting. This betting mainly took place when the Indian Premier League (IPL)was running. The news report further adds that a college student named Umesh Mulchandani (23) who is a resident of Viman Nagar filed a police complaint at Vimantal police station. Based on the details shared by Mulchandani in his complaint, the police have arrested Gaurav Ahuja, 20, a college student and Ajay Shinde, 36, son of a police constable. He is a known criminal in the city. Shinde and Ahuja reportedly reside in Khadak police colony and Shukrawar Peth respectively.
The online betting syndicate is reportedly the brainchild of well-known gangster Sachin Pote, who is now absconding. As per news reports, Crime Branch officials said that the online betting racket was running since last September in Pune. The gang members lured college students with hefty returns for their money. The bets were made on cricket matches of IPL. Later, news came to light that these notorious gang members also extorted money from those who lost in match betting. Mulchandani stated in his complaint that on 9 February he was accosted by Shinde and Ahuja while he was dining out with friends.
Furthermore, the news report stated that Shinde and Ahuja threatened to kill Mulchandani and his family if he and his friend Rajat Grover did not pay what the latter owed. The news report by Pune Mirror adds that Mulchandani was not directly involved in online cricket betting. It was Grover who owed the gang INR 2.5 lakh. The culprits threatened Mulchandani only to show Grover the consequences of not paying his debt. According to the news report, the police collected evidence in the form of a mobile phone recording wherein the gang members have tried to extort money from the complainant by threatening him of dire consequences.
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With a Masters Degree in Journalism and Communication, Mrinal Gujare currently is cruising through an exciting genre of writing and editing at Gutshot Magazine. Apart from being an Editor, Mrinal is an avid reader and a former contemporary dancer. She is also perennially hungry for intriguing scoops from across the globe. No holds barred is the rule Mrinal follows in life.
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