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IPC 8K Mega Satellite
Donna Amo
Posted on 17 May, 2022
By Donna Amo
On 17 May, 2022
By Donna Amo
On 17 May, 2022

Gokul Shown The Door

After an uneventful preflop on Table 6, the first three community cards 9c Kd Qc fell on the board. Gokul Raj with Kc Ts bet 5,000 after he flopped a pair and a gutshot straight draw. Aayush Arya jammed his stack holding A-J suited as he had a high equity hand. Raj called. The turn (4c) gave Arya a nut flush, pretty much ending Raj’s tournament life. 

  • Arya: Ac Jc 
  • Raj: Kc Ts 
  • Board: 9c Jd Qc 4c 4d


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