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IPC 8K Mega Satellite
Donna Amo
Posted on 17 May, 2022
By Donna Amo
On 17 May, 2022
By Donna Amo
On 17 May, 2022

Abhijeet Survives The Sushant Scare

With only two tables remaining at Level 15, With blinds at 3,000/5,000 Aditya Sushant bet 10,000 preflop in order to apply pressure on the short stack. Abhijeet Kumar went all-in with 26,000 (5 BB) with Ac Ks. The board then ran out with Tc 8h 2s Qs Kd and gave Kumar a double up with a King-pair. The board held no water for Sushant who lost the pot and chipped down. 

  • Kumar: Ac Ks
  • Sushant: 9s 6s 
  • Board: Tc 8h 2s Qs Kd



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