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Zarvan Tumboli's Kings Sail Through APT Super High Roller – 8 Max - Vietnam
Mrinal Gujare
Posted on 02 Jun, 2023
By Mrinal Gujare
On 02 Jun, 2023
By Mrinal Gujare
On 02 Jun, 2023

Zarvan Tumboli’s Kings Sail Through

Zarvan Tumboli's Kings Sail Through

Level 3: Blinds: 1,000/1,500, 1,500 ante

India’s Zarvan Tumboli raised from an early position. Gab Yong Kim defended his big blind to see a flop of J♠ 9♦ 6♣. Kim checked and Tumboli continued his firing; Kim matched. 3♦ came on the turn as Kim check-called the bet made by Tumboli. The river brought 9♣ which gave Tumboli two pairs (KK, 99). Kim checked again and Tumboli threw 20,000 into the pot. Kim made use of a one time bank card and matched that bet. Tumboli showed his Cowboys (K♥ K♠) and Kim shook his head and mucked.

  • Tumboli: K♥ K♠
  • Kim: Xx Xx
  • Board: J♠ 9♦ 6♣ 3♦ 9♣

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