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vyakulkumar010 is second Destiny winner on Spartan Poker
Posted on 21 Jun, 2018
By Gutshot
On 21 Jun, 2018
By Gutshot
On 21 Jun, 2018

vyakulkumar010 is second Destiny winner on Spartan

Less than a couple of weeks back, The Spartan Poker announced the comeback of its signature tournament series called ‘Destiny’. Four successful series saw four players being awarded free package trips to the best gambling destination in the world – Las Vegas. Now, they are back with Destiny 5.0.

The fifth edition of Destiny will see 10 tournaments taking place over the course of 10 weeks and the winners of each will play in the Destiny SnG finale, where one winner will win a free package trip to Europe this time. The tournament takes place every Wednesday and Abhinav Iyer was the winner of the first Destiny that took place last week.

Yesterday was the second INR 20 lakh GTD Destiny tournament and ‘vyakulkumar010’ shipped it, beating 420 entries and taking home INR 5,56,500 for this effort. The tournament lasted 10 long hours and wound up earlier today at 5:32 am IST, with Level #61 underway and blinds running 37,500/75,000 – 7,500.

Coming into the final hand, ‘vyakulkumar010’ had a lead of nearly 3:1 over his opponent ‘Strangeplay’, as both players shoved all-in before the flop. Strangeplay had pocket tens and was ahead of vyakulkumar010’s A-6 when the flop opened K-6-J, and the turn opened 9. However, and Ace on the river gave vyakulkumar010 two pairs (Aces and Sixes) and that was enough to take down the pot and the second Destiny 5.0 tournament title.

The winner was unavailable to comment on his victory, but he will surely be excited, having additionally won an INR 1 lakh (deducted from winnings) seat into the Destiny SnG Finale. Final table results:

  1. ‘vyakulkumar010’ – INR 5,56,500
  2. ‘Strangeplay’ – INR 3,46,500
  3. ‘gettingthere’ – INR 2,10,000
  4. ‘sanjayg007’ – INR 1,38,600
  5. ‘RonoroA’ – INR 94,500
  6. ‘GoMuckYourself’ – INR 73,500
  7. ‘suckout_king’ – INR 58,800
  8. ‘BlackUchiha’ – INR 52,500

Keep reading GutshotMagazine.com for daily updates on poker tournaments from India as well as from around the world.

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