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APT Hanoi Billions 2023 - Main Event
Mrinal Gujare
Posted on 08 Dec, 2023
By Mrinal Gujare
On 08 Dec, 2023
By Mrinal Gujare
On 08 Dec, 2023

Van Sang Nguyen Is Chip Leading

APT Hanoi Billions 2023 - Main Event - Van Sang Nguyen

Level 23, blinds 10K/25K, big blind ante 25K 

A massive 2,500,000-chip pot played out between Van Sang Nguyen and Seunghyeon Son. This made the Vietnamese poker player the latest chip leader.

Nguyen opened the action with a min-raise of 50,000. Son opted for a 3-bet of 180,000. Nguyen who made the call to see a flop of 6♣ 7♦ J♠. The Vietnamese player checked. Son fired 220,000 into the pot. Nguyen was seen counting his chips and he pushed them in the middle.

Nguyen led with 300,000 when the turn presented T♥. Son went for a killer raise of 800,000. Nguyen again made the counting action and then called. The pot now stood at around 2,400,000 chips.

5♣ blessed the river spot; Nguyen checked and Son followed suit. Nguyen tabled pocket sixes and Son mucked his cards and then gave himself a pat on the back for that river check.



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