Ultimate Battle, India’s one-stop online esports platform is now available on Google Play Store for the Android users. The freshly launched app of the platform will facilitate easier connectivity and accessibility for users and leverage the power of the mobile-first ecosystem of the country. According to a joint report published by the Indian Cellular and Electronics Association and the consulting firm KPMG, by 2022, India’s smartphone base will reach 820 Million active users. This clearly highlights the ability of mobile gaming to push a wider audience from India’s untapped markets. Esports especially in rural India saw a huge boost because of the internet penetration; most youngsters now have access to a smartphone.
ALSO READ: Ultimate Battle: India’s First-Ever Esports Online Platform
In India, around 90% of gamers as per market estimation use mobile devices. The Ultimate Battle app will provide gamers with a convenient way to participate in esports events and stay connected to the gaming community on the go. To meet the needs of gamers, the app will also include a content segment with the most recent gaming news as well as other gameplay-related content. It is a small app and does not require a lot of data or resources.
Commenting on the launch of the app, Tarun Gupta, Founder Ultimate Battle said, “Ultimate Battle was created keeping in mind a mix of all sorts of gamers and their taste in various games. We wanted to provide the easiest accessibility to our users. Now, with the launch of the app, people can experience the same 360 degree experience while being on the move. We intend on bring in similar features in the future for the iOS users as well and make this a truly holistic esports platform, for everyone to access and play on.”
ALSO READ: Interview With Esports Enthusiast Ankit Panth
With instant alerts and match announcements, as well as easy access to the gaming network, the Ultimate Battle app can aid in coordinated gameplay. Users can play for free on Ultimate Battle and win prizes as well as gain recognition in the gaming community. Players have multiple opportunities to showcase their skills with various avenues of engagement such as daily tournaments, challenges, and leaderboard events, which helps new talent from the Indian esports scene. The app currently has popular esports titles like Call of Duty, Garena Free Fire, Valorant, FIFA20, CS: GO, DOTA2, Fortnite including Chess, which has topped gamer’s preferences.
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Donna Amo was a writer at Gutshot Magazine. She is a graduate from Sophia College of Women, Mumbai with a degree in English Literature. When this October born foodie is not writing content or poetry, she spends her time laughing at memes or watching series. Based out of Mizoram, she is drawn to all things nature and has a soft spot for puppies.
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