The virtual felts on Tuesday witnessed several well-known players clinch winning titles. The staple Race event and Mega Stack tournament on Spartan Poker were shipped by an anonymous player ‘Kailen’ and Kunal Sharma respectively. The bounty tournament on Pokerstars was a deal between two well-known poker players. Vishal Bajaj and Sahil Mahboobani made it big in the Bounty tournament. Keep reading to know more about what went down on the virtual felts of Spartan Poker, Adda52, PokerBaazi, and PokerStars last night.
The Endeavour tournament on PokerBaazi had 327 entries in total. The top 36 players made it in the money. A min-cash of ₹8,160 was paid. The tournament was shipped by Adarsh Subham aka ‘Lazygamer007’ who took home ₹2,47,000 in prize money. The runner up in this ₹3,850 buy-in event was Arun Thakur aka ‘Devillll27’ who cashed ₹2,04,000 in prize money.
The Mint tournament on Adda52 is a staple event that takes place every Tuesday. This ₹3,850 buy-in tournament was shipped by an anonymous player ‘charuz’ who took home ₹3,50,000 in prize money. The tournament had 383 entries in total. The top 38 players made it in the money. A min-cash of ₹8,400 was paid.
The INCOOP Bounty builder tournament on PokerStars was a deal between Vishal Bajaj aka ‘Vishalb22’ and Sahil Mahboobani aka ‘inaboobham.’ Bajaj cashed ₹1,91,521 in prize money while Mahboobani also took home the same amount. Bajaj received ₹1,39,375 in bounty money while Mahboobani on the contrary had ₹57,187 in bounty prize money. The tournament had 112 entries in total. A total of 13 players made it in the money in this ₹11,000 buy-in event. A min-cash of ₹20,492 was paid.
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The Race tournament on Spartan Poker was shipped by an anonymous player ‘Kailen’ who received a pay cheque of ₹1,42,762. The tournament had 321 entries in total. The top 31 players made it in the money in this ₹1,650 buy-in event. A min-cash of ₹5,940 was paid. The runner up in this tournament was a mystery player who goes by the moniker ‘poketrockets.’ This player cashed ₹96,120 in prize money.
Spartan Poker’s Mega Stack tournament was a ₹3,300 buy-in event. The tournament was shipped by Kunal Sharma aka ‘UnityPro’ who cashed a whopping ₹3,21,585 in prize money. The runner up in this tournament was an anonymous player ‘golddigger1905’ who took home ₹2,04,270 in prize money. The tournament had 508 entries in total. The top 47 players made it in the money. A min-cash of ₹9,405 was paid.
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Manthra Koliyer is a writer at Gutshot Magazine. She has an affinity for seeing the world through people’s eyes. With a bubbly fun personality, you can always catch her chatting with anyone she comes across. Holding an English Literature degree from Wilson College, Mumbai, and a Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism from Asian College of Journalism, this pop culture fanatic is ready to take on the world with a pen, paper, and microphone. She also actively works on her personal blog called, where for a moment she lets you into her drama-filled world.
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