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Siddarth Singhvi scores 3rd SSS title Poker
Team Gutshot
Posted on 19 Aug, 2018
By Team Gutshot
On 19 Aug, 2018
By Team Gutshot
On 19 Aug, 2018

Siddarth Singhvi scores 3rd SSS title

It has been a week of consistent performances at the ongoing Spartan Super Series. And none more so in the last couple of days especially than Siddarth Singhvi. This 30-something player who plays as ‘PeterPunter’ at The Spartan Poker went on to win the opening event i.e. DareDevil (Lite) making this his third title in consecutive days!

The first tournament of the penulimate day’s action at the SSS saw a participation of 122 entries ponying up a buy-in of INR 1,500 each. Busted players have a chance to re-enter this tournament but at a discounted 50% of the original buy-in. This was the Lite version of the day’s featured tournament DareDevil which takes place in the evening at higher buy-in and of course guarantee.

This tournament had a guarantee of 2.5 Lakhs and the final prizepool went way past that i.e. INR 3.87 Lakhs which would be shared among the top 15 finishers. It was a three-way all-in between PeterPunter, ‘reyalp’ and ‘Satsingh’ with the former comfortably covering the other two shorter stacks. PeterPunter’s pocket Eights scored two pairs on a board of 9d 9s Qd 7s 4d against the As 5c and Ad Jc of his opponents. For the win, PeterPunter collected INR 1,08,422 while Satsingh took home INR 70,668 and third place prize of INR 46,466 went reyalp’s way.

While winning three tournament titles in such a short period of time, is no doubt a matter of great pride, it also puts into context Singhvi’s ride up the SSS Leaderboard. As you may be aware, the Leaderboard offers a total of INR 10 Lakhs in cold, hard cash and INR 4 Lakhs from that goes to the eventual winner. At present Siddarth Singhvi is sitting in 3rd place (2,566 points) just behind current topper ‘omgrachelgreen’ (2,925) and Aniban ‘pokernoob’ Das (2,913). The context we mentioned earlier is that while the rest of the top 9 have played an average of 34 tournaments to score points and get into the top 10, Singhvi has done it in a mere 13 tournaments! The only player at the moment who has played lesser tourneys (10) is Vivek ‘Pokerbatman27’ Rughani who is in 9th place at the moment.

Anything could happen on Sunday which has 10 SSS events on schedule but as things stand, Siddarth Singhvi has, at the very least, secured himself a top 5 finish on that SSS Leaderboard. But to know that and the rest of the round-ups for today, stay tuned to GutshotMagazine.com!


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