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APT Hanoi Billions 2023 - Main Event
Mrinal Gujare
Posted on 08 Dec, 2023
By Mrinal Gujare
On 08 Dec, 2023
By Mrinal Gujare
On 08 Dec, 2023

Sanish Makes Punnat Fold 

APT Hanoi Billions 2023 - Main Event - Sanish Chhabra

Level 24, blinds 15K/30K, big blind ante 30K 

From the hijack spot Punnat Punsri opened with 60,000. India poker pro Sanish Chhabra called from the button position.

The action was checked till the river and the board read: T♠ K♣ 6♥ 8♥ A♦. Punsri led with 135,000 and his rival counted his chips to raise it to 410,000. This miffed the Thai pro. 

Punsri checked his cards and looked at the board. He then fixed his gaze at the Indian pro and muttered something in Thailand’s native language. Punsri used up a few time-extension chips only to fold disappointingly.


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