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Team Gutshot
Posted on 18 Jun, 2019
By Team Gutshot
On 18 Jun, 2019
By Team Gutshot
On 18 Jun, 2019

Sandeep Varma takes down Sunday SuperStack on Spartan

Sunday SuperStack INR 25 Lakh GTD is the biggest and arguably the most popular featured tournament on Spartan Poker, played every week on Sunday. Because of the increased availability of players, the tournament almost always crosses the advertised guarantee, but it slightly missed it this Sunday.

Regardless, it was a packed field of 464 entries that once again consisted of some of India’s best poker players. A little bit of bravery, loads of skill, and a touch of luck is what it takes to win this tournament every Sunday and this time, it was Sandeep Varma aka ‘effuno’ who managed to do so, bagging INR 5,01,250 as the top prize.

Varma isn’t a newbie to the community and has emerged on the winning end plenty of times in the past. One of his most recent notable victories was the Sunday Stacks one last month while April also saw him winning a Spartan Poker signature tournament called 5 For 5.

Coming back to the Sunday SuperStack, he outlasted the field that included his heads-up opponent, ‘Fish4Life’. The latter bagged a handsome prize of INR 3,33,250 himself. Fish4Life finished second here on Sunday night and then took down Mega Freeze, Spartan’s Monday feature tournament last night, so he’s clearly enjoying a good run at the moment.

Gutshot caught up with Varma to congratulate him on this victory. We also asked him about the experience, to which he said, “Sunday SuperStack is an MTT that has been teasing me for a while, with many final table finishes, but never good enough for the top 3. It’s immensely satisfying to finally crack this tournament.”

The two players were not too different with respect to chip counts, with Varma having 6.5 million and his opponent having 5 million chips. Fish4Life shoved all-in pre-flop with Jd Kd and his hopes were immediately flattened when Varma made the call and revealed pocket rockets. The board Jh As Qs 4d 8h saw Fish4Life hitting a pair of Jacks while Varma completed a set of Aces on the flop itself.

For more updates on the top online and live poker tournaments in India and around the world, stay tuned to GutshotMagazine.com.

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