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A23 Poker
King Long Lam APT Main Event
Mrinal Gujare
Posted on 06 May, 2023
By Mrinal Gujare
On 06 May, 2023
By Mrinal Gujare
On 06 May, 2023

Punnat Shows King The Door After Busting In 4th Place

Level 34, Blinds: 150K/300K, Ante 300K

King Long Lam

King Long Lam put his tournament life on the line when he called Punnat Punsri’s preflop shove action. Lam called off Punsri action but he had no clue that the Thai player had pocket queens. The board ran out as 5♥ 8♠ T♥ 6♥ 3♥ and Punsri’s Queens did the trick for him. Lam was out in 4th place for a sum of TWD 3,311,900 ($107,910).

  • Punsri Q♠ Q♦ 
  • Lam K♦ J♣
  • Board: 5♥ 8♠ T♥ 6♥ 3♥


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