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Prem Bhee Poker
GS Admin
Posted on 03 Dec, 2018
By GS Admin
On 03 Dec, 2018
By GS Admin
On 03 Dec, 2018

Prem Bhee ships Spartan’s Big Daddy 5L GTD

Big Daddy is one of the high-stakes feature tournaments hosted every Sunday on The Spartan Poker. The event takes place every Sunday and has INR 5 Lakhs in guaranteed prize money, which is almost always crushed due to the popularity of the event. Along with the 1st place cash prize, the winner also gets an INR 30K package to Goa, including entry to Spartan’s Big Daddy Poker Room.

Last night’s Big Daddy attracted a total of 546 entries, passing the INR 5 Lakhs guarantee and creating a new prize pool of INR 5.46 Lakhs. Prem Bhee, who goes by the name of ‘Bhee’ on Spartan, finished 1st and took home INR 1,03,740 in cash prize after a 5-hour grind.

He will also get a chance to fly to Goa and play in the Big Daddy room there, needless to say, all expenses paid by Spartan. He had also shipped the Little Big Series Main Event on Spartan recently, taking home INR 2.5 Lakhs, making this win another feather in his already decorated cap.

The event started at 4pm and continued till 9:15pm. Bhee saw ‘CalvinKlein’ against him in heads-up. The final hand was played at Level 41 with 25K/50K and 5K ante.

 Bhee had an almost 3:1 chip lead entering heads-up and he used that to his advantage very skilfully. In the final hand, Bhee raised to 75,000 with his Jd 9d. His opponent shoved all-in pre-flop with 6c Ad and Bhee’s snap-call followed. The board came to 9c Th 5d Qc Jc and Bhee’s two pairs beat his opponent’s Ace-high in the showdown.

Gutshot got in touch with Bhee after his spectacular finish and he had this to say, “It was a happy Sunday grind for me. The experience was smooth on Spartan, with low buy in and high return. The trip to Goa is the icing on the cake. It was a perfect Sunday evening for me.” The win will add a staggering amount to his bankroll, enabling him to play in upcoming tournaments and hopefully cashing out big there too!

There were other known players cashing out too. Shravan Chhabria aka ‘D.Trump04’ cashed out at 6th place, after winning the Adda52 MILLIONS just last night.

Keep reading GutshotMagazine.com for more tournament updates, general poker news from all around the world, and much more.

Slim Spartan

Don’t have an account on The Spartan Poker? Check out their review page here, and don’t miss out on their bonuses, promotions, and guarantee-smashing tournaments. Sign-up now.


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