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Approaching PLO 5- A Beginner’s Guide By Aditya Sarkar Poker
Mrinal Gujare
Posted on 25 Dec, 2022
By Mrinal Gujare
On 25 Dec, 2022
By Mrinal Gujare
On 25 Dec, 2022

Pot Limit Omaha: How To Scoop A Pot In PLO 6

Representation is a product of good storytelling in Pot Limit Omaha (PLO) 6. When you are coining a good story and opposition is following your story, you need to represent what he thinks you have. Like, if you are chasing a flush draw with the nut flush blocker, your opponent thinks you have the flush cards and will win if the flush card hits, then you can use this to put in a bet should you hit your flush card. Let’s discuss a good representation.

 Flop: K T 2

 I have: A Q J T 4 8d

Obviously, I have enough outs to bet till the river and get there with favourable equity against most hands that are against me. On most turns and rivers, I can further add equity when I bet and someone just calls to represent some sets as well. Say, I bet pot with the above holding and I got flatted by a player from under the gun (UTG) + 1. Now in all likelihood, the opposition does not have a top set or even middle set in this spot. Why?

  1. He didn’t open with good Kings (maybe he had a pair of unconnected kings).
  2. Even if he had bad or unconnected Kings, he usually takes a bet on a draw heavy board or puts in a check raise. He didn’t.

ALSO READ: PLO 6: Most Profitable Spots And Maximizing Them

So, he doesn’t have Kings. But he might have the top two  or maybe bottom set. And is treading lightly with either holding.

Representing The Nuts To Pick Up The Pot In PLO 6

However, he does not have the nut flush draw either as I have those holdings. Let’s keep that in mind. If I bet this hand from the button, I can put in another stab on the turn with a blank. As I am the preflop aggressor, I am more likely to have Kings in my range than he has with his preflop flat.

So now, I can easily pick up the flop with all the outs that I have, plus representing added holdings with Kings set with betting the turn, with enough equity should I get a check-raised with middle or bottom set or a dominated draw hand.


When you are betting a weak draw in position, and your opponent flats, you can now bet against the entire range of hands that he could have. Essentially, he could have a better draw if he calls turn too, so essentially, with your weaker draws, you should be betting.

The moment you bet out on the flop, you can get information against the opponent and then use his entire range against him to make more profitable plays, like slowing down only if a draw gets there, continuing the story if board blanks or if subsequent streets strengthen your story on the flop.

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With a Masters Degree in Journalism and Communication, Mrinal Gujare currently is cruising through an exciting genre of writing and editing at Gutshot Magazine. Apart from being an Editor, Mrinal is an avid reader and a former contemporary dancer. She is also perennially hungry for intriguing scoops from across the globe. No holds barred is the rule Mrinal follows in life.

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