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India Poker Championship - Megastacks

IPC Megastacks May 2022 - 20L Freeroll

Navaneeth Anantharaman Ships The IPC 20 Lakh Freeroll

Navaneeth Anantharaman Ships The IPC 20 Lakh FreerollThe curtains were finally drawn on what has been a spectacular IPC Megastacks May 2022, here at Casino Vegas in Jhapa, Nepal with the conclusion of the final tournament, the ₹20 Lakh IPC Freeroll. Navaneeth Anantharaman grabbed the title and prize money worth ₹2,50,000. The last two standing players in Sameer Rattonsey and Anantharaman struck a deal and the top prize was then equally divided. But, the game was still on for the additional 35,000 and of course, the IPC Freeroll title. In the end, it was Anantharaman who took down the final title of this IPC series with his Jd Ts against Rattonsey’s Kh 9d spiking a Jack on the board. Congratulations to the new champion! With that, we come to the end of this week-long poker extravaganza from beautiful Nepal. But this is not the end of live poker of course. Stay tuned to Gutshot Magazine for coverage from more exciting tournament series’ in the future. Till then, it’s goodbye from the Gutshot team.

Sameer Takes 2nd Place

Sameer RattonseyOn Level 10, Sameer Rattonsey on a short stack locked horns with Navaneeth Anantharaman. IPC Director and two-IPC champion, Rattonsey went all-in with K 9 (165,000) and his rival matched. The community cards fell J 3 5 8 9 . Anantharaman hit J-pair on the flop and took down the pot while Rattonsey exited at the 2nd place for ₹2,50,000 having struck a deal prior. Rattonsey was super calm throughout the tournament and it would have been amazing to see him battle out in the Main Event as well for his 3rd IPC title.

Anantharaman: J T

Rattonsey: K 9

Board: J 3 5 8 9

Deal Initiated In IPC 20 Lakh Freeroll

In the India Poker Championship 20 Lakh Freeroll, the two players Sameer Rattonsey and Navaneeth Anantaraman opted for a deal led by Anantaraman. Each of them walks away with ₹2.5 Lakh. They are now playing to win an additional ₹35,000. 


Shashank Shown The Door At The Third Spot

With the freeroll field condensed down, the battle kept getting intense. Navaneeth Anantharaman shoved all-in and was called 91,000 by Shashank Murarka. The board showed K 7 4 9 8 , and Anantharaman flipped K 9 to win with two pairs (KK, 99). Murarka showed Q 8 to bust out at the third spot for ₹1,20,000. Murarka must have now regretted as to why he refused a three-way chopped deal just a few hands before this one.

  • Anantharaman: K 9  
  • Murarka: Q 8  
  • Board: K 7 4 9 8

Sameer Delivers A Double Bust

On Level 17, Deepanjali Anand jammed 42,000 into the pot with A 2 and was called by Russian player Dzianis with 9 6 , and Sameer Rattonsey who had A T . This community cards fell out 3 T A J 5 and Rattonsey won the pot after he flopped two pairs on the board (AA, TT). This resulted in Dzianis and Anand busting out in 7th place for ₹45,000 and 6th place for ₹50,000 respectively. Looks like the IPC Director is on a roll for one more title! 

  • Rattonsey: A T
  • Anand: A 2
  • Dzianis: 9 6
  • Board: 3 T A J 5

Two More Down

Kunal Yadav shoved all-in preflop and was called by Paawan Bansal, who made an all-in call, and Shashank Murarka called. The board showed J Q 2 J 2 . Yadav showed 8 8 , Bansal flipped 8 8 , and Murarka showed K K to win the pot and bust Yadav and Bansal at the 9th and 8th place respectively. Yadav cashed ₹35,000 and Bansal cashed ₹40,000 from their respective finishes.

  • Yadav: 8 8
  • Bansal: 8 8
  • Murarka: K K
  • Board: J Q 2 J 2

Rishab Busts In 10th Place

On Level 15, Rishab Dalmia went preflop all-in for 75,000 and Navaneeth Anantharaman called the shove with A 9 . The board opened with 7 2 5 7 A and delivered two pairs (AA, 77) to Anantharaman on the river. This mean that Dalmia busted in the 10th spot with a payout of ₹30,000. 

  • Anantharaman: A 9
  • Dalmia: Q T
  • Board: 7 2 5 7 A

IPC 20 Lakh Freeroll In The Money Players Chip Counts

The top 10 players will be getting paid in the 20 Lakh Freeroll. Shashank Murarka is leading with a chip stack of 205,000. He is followed by Rishab Dalmia who has a lakh lesser chips but still holds the second largest stack of 105,000. Here are the chip counts of the players with the top 7 stacks :

Player Chips
Shashank Murarka 205,000
Rishab Dalmia 105,000
Nacaneeth Anantaram 94,000
Kunal Yadav 80,000
Pawan Bansal 80,000
Nikita Luther 75,000
Dzianis 52,000
Sameer 45,000
Varun Jain 40,000
Dipanjali Anand 30,000

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Money Bubble Bursted; Saransh Bubbles At 11th

Just before the ITM started at the 10th place, Saransh Garg busted at the 11th spot, becoming the bubble boy at the tournament. Garg shoved all-in with 33,000 chips and Shashank Murarka called. Garg showed Q 9 , and Murarka flipped 9 9 . The board showed 7 6 2 2 7 , and Murarka busted Garg with a 9-pair.

  • Garg: Q 9
  • Murarka: 9 9
  • Board: 7 6 2 2 7

Raju Busted

J RajuAt Level 10, Preflop action saw J Raju going all-in with Q 7 (14,800) and his rival Navneet called. The board cards read 6 K 8 A 2 . Navneet hit two pairs on the flop with his K 8 and showed Raju the door in the process. 

  • Raju: Q 7
  • Navneet: K 8
  • Board: 6 K 8 A 2

Sameer Knocks Out Two

Sameer RattonseyOn Level 10, preflop action got pretty intense. WSOP bracelet winner Nikita Luther, IPC Director and two-IPC champion Sameer Rattonsey and Varun Jain went head to head. Preflop saw Luther going all-in, Jain also shoved all his chips into the pot (46,000) and Rattonsey matched. The board ran out 9 5 6 3 3 . The two-time IPC winner with his Q 9 grabbed the pot as he hit two pairs on the river and knocked out two of his rivals in the process. Luther took the 4th spot for ₹82,500 and Jain finished 5th for ₹62,500.

  • Rattonsey: Q 9
  • Luther: A Q
  • Jain: A J
  • Board: 9 5 6 3 3

Double Bustout At The Freeroll

Nimit Patel shoved all-in preflop with his 5,100 stack. Krishna Khatri called and another player called all-in with 4,200 chips. This was called by Ashish Bhist, and the board showed 8 2 5 and Bisht shoved all-in. 9 T came on the turn and river and Bisht won the pot with his fish hooks, while the other players sat with ace-high hands. Patel and the other player busted, while Khatri stayed back in the game.

  • Patel: A 6
  • Khatri: A 8
  • Bisht: J J
  • Board: 8 2 5 9 T  

Peter’s Dimes Lose To Ace

Peter AbrahamAt Level 9, IPC Director, Peter Abraham locked horns with Saransh Garg. Preflop saw Garg going all-in with Ah 4d and Abraham made the call. The board ran out 4 6 2 K A . The head honcho had Dimes in his armoury which fell short to battle Garg who hit an A-pair on the river. Sadly for Abraham it was pack up time.

  • Abraham: T T
  • Garg: A 4
  • Board: 4 6 2 K A

IPC 20 Lakh Freeroll: 24 Players Remaining In The Field

The India Poker Championship (IPC) Megastacks May 2022 had over 70 entries in total. Now, there are only 24 players left in the field. The top 10 players get paid in this event. Shashank Jain has been leading with a stack of 1,00,000 chips. Take a look at the chip counts of the top six players:

Player Chips
Shashank Jain 1,00,000
Nikita Luther 75,000
Kunal Yadav 65,000
Rishab Dalmia 60,000
Saumil Mehta 53,000


Himanshu Goes Home

Katya goes all-in preflop for 6,700 with A Q and Himanshu Kataria called with J 3 . The community cards open to 4 2 A J 7 . Katya flopped an Ace-pair and took the pot. Kataria busted from the freeroll as he had a smaller pair.

  • Katya: A Q
  • Kataria: J 3
  • Board: 4 2 A J 7

Yashasvi Exits

A player bet 1,200 chips, and Anant Purohit raised to 3,100. Yashasvi shoved all-in with cowboys and Purohit called. The board showed 6 2 Q J Q , and Purohit won the hand a full house holding fish hooks in hand. Yashasvi exited the freeroll tournament.

  • Yashasvi: K K
  • Purohit: J J
  • Board: 6 2 Q J Q

Ashvin’s Pocket Queens Rock

Ashvin RaoOn Table 4 at Level 7 with blinds 1,000/1,500, Vineet Kumar (J 8 ) shoved all-in with 2,900 and another player raised to 8,000. Here, Ashvin Rao (Q Q ) also took the all-in route with 30,600. The board ran out 5 K 9 9 A . Rao hits two pairs on the turn and grabs the pot and shows Kumar the exit door.

  • Rao: Q Q
  • Kumar: J 8
  • Board: 5 K 9 9 A

No Time To Play?

What happens when you are the commentator at IPC Megastacks May 2022 Main Event and the game reaches heads up? You don’t have time to play. This happened to Akshay Kapoor who was scheduled to start his commentary for the ME heads up but was also playing the ₹20 Lakh Freeroll. In a moment of haste, he went all-in blind with Q 2 and his rival J Raju also shoved all his chips into the pot. The result? The community cards fell A 6 2 5 8 . Raju nailed the pot with his K 8 when he hit an 8-pair on the river. And Kapoor had to exit the game.

  • Kapoor: Q 2
  • Raju: K 8
  • Board: A 6 2 5 8

Nikita Wins, Triples Up!

While many may consider the freeroll felts to be a soft playing field, it is also one that is filled with a lot of action. On Table 1, that is exactly what happened. Russian player Maksim M jammed his 11,100 stack with A J and Abhijeet Kumar shoved 11,100 into the pot as well with A Q . Nikita Luther with pocket tens also put her entire stack on the line and the board opened. The poker Gods were on Luther’s side as she flopped quads and busted the other two. Luther excitedly collected the pot and sat comfortably with a big chip stack on the table.

  • Luther: T T
  • Maksim: A J
  • Kumar: A Q
  • Board: J T T Q 8

Shravan Chips Up

Shravan ChhabriaAt Level 4 with blinds 300/500, Vishal Ahuja bet 1,000 preflop. Online reg Shravan Chhabria threw all his chips into the pot (4,100) and Vineet Kumar called. The community cards fell 7 A 3 7 9 . Chhabria who was sitting with Ajax suited grabbed the pot and Kumar who sat with Fish Hooks lost. 

  • Kumar: J J
  • Ahuja: Xx Xx
  • Chhabria: A J
  • Board: 7 A 3 7 9

Faiz Alam Out

Faiz AlamFaiz Alam shoved all-in from the UTG preflop holding snowmen and Navneet Ananthrao called with A T . The board of K Q 6 K T left Alam with a lower pair (KK, 88), against Ananthrao, who spiked a T on the river to get KK, TT.

  • Alam: 8 8
  • Ananthrao: A T
  • Board: K Q 6 K T

Ashvin Doubles Up

Ashvin RaoAt Level 4 with blinds 300/500 Sanjay Khanna and Ashvin Rao locked horns preflop. The board ran out 9 J K Q 2 . Roa who had Kojak won the pot and sadly for Khanna who sat with Rocket Queen lost. 

  • Rao: K J
  • Khanna: A Q
  • Board: 9 J K Q 2

Krishna Knocks Out Big Slicks

Soon after busting in 5th place at the 60K Main Event FT, Siddarth Singhvi registered for the IPC freeroll and started grinding. The action on the table had Sameer Shivare shove his stack with Ace-King offsuit. Singhvi who also had Ace-King offsuit shoved. This was followed by another all-in from Krishna Khatri who had A Q . The board opened to A 7 T K J . Shivare and Singhvi both hit only two pairs on the board and busted as Khatri took the pot with his Little Slick. He got a straight and a massive triple up!

  • Khatri: A Q
  • Singhvi: A K
  • Shivare: A K
  • Board: A 7 T K J

Jain ‘Part’h Ways

Parth Jain aka YourPokerGuyThe IPC Freeroll with ₹20 Lakh in guarantee is underway and we already have a bust-out hand waiting for you. It’s a chill day at the IPC felts and on Level 1 of the freeroll we had Parth Jain aka ‘YourPokerGuy’ bet 1,200 preflop with Hooks and two players called and Varun went all-in for 9,500 with A K and Jain called.

The board opened K 8 7 7 Q . Unfortunately for Jain, Varun hit better two pairs on the turn (KK, 77) and busted him from the freeroll. With that, there goes a chance for him to win from the ₹20 Lakh freeroll prize pool that also includes ₹10 Lakh worth of tickets to the upcoming India Online Poker Championship June 2022. 

  • Varun: A K
  • Jain: J J
  • Board: K 8 7 7 Q

IPC 20 Lakh Freeroll Garnering Alot Of Attention

The last event in the mega India Poker Championship (IPC) is the 20 Lakh freeroll. 72 players have already registered for the freeroll event and with that the registrations closed. Grinders like Saransh Garg, Parth Jain, Chirag Sodha, Anant Purohit, Siddarth Singhvi among others are already grinding in this event.

The player who crushes the 20 Lakh Freeroll event will walk away with ₹10 Lakh in prize money and India Online Poker Championship tickets worth ₹10 Lakh. 

Welcome To IPC May 2022 20 Lakh GTD Freeroll

Hello everyone, welcome to the live coverage of the  India Poker Championship (IPC) ₹20 Lakh Freeroll tournament. We will bring all the latest from this event for all our readers in real time. The ₹20 Lakh Freeroll is scheduled to begin at 4 PM. As a free tournament, players don’t have to spend any money on buy-in which makes it all the more lucrative to grind. 

Players who have participated in any one of the IPC Megastacks May 2022 event can simply register for this free tourney. One major reason why folks shouldn’t miss out on this freeroll is the ₹20 Lakh prize pool on offer. How many times do you see a figure like that up for grabs in a free tournament? Now’s your chance to get as much return as possible for zero investment.

Here’s something you should know about the IPC Megastacks May 2022 freeroll. The ₹20 Lakh prize pool is divided as ₹10 Lakh cash and ₹10 Lakh worth of tickets to India Online Poker Championship (IOPC) June 2022 tournaments. Sounds incredible right? Sure does. 

Make a note that all the events in the current edition of IPC are rake free and so is the ₹20 Lakh GTD freeroll. If you win there’s a lot you can claim in terms of prize. For those who couldn’t make it to IPC May 2022, don’t you worry one bit. Gutshot Magazine will be covering all the live updates from Casino Vegas, located in Hotel Mechi Crown, Jhapa, Nepal. So make sure you are tuned into Gutshot Magazine’s live updates.

Place Winner Name Prize
1 Navaneeth Anantharaman ₹2,85,000 (Deal)
2 Sameer Rattonsey ₹2,50,000 (Deal)
3 Shashank Murarka ₹1,20,000
4 Nikita Luther ₹82,000
5 Varun Jain ₹62,500
6 Dipanjali Anand ₹50,000
7 Dzianis ₹45,000
8 Paawan Bansal ₹40,000
9 Kunal Yadav ₹35,000
10 Rishab Dalmia ₹30,000

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