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A23 Poker
APT Super High Roller – 8 Max - Vietnam
Mrinal Gujare
Posted on 02 Jun, 2023
By Mrinal Gujare
On 02 Jun, 2023
By Mrinal Gujare
On 02 Jun, 2023

Nishant Sharma’s Sick River Call Stuns Rival

Level 4, Blinds: 1,000/2,000, 2,000 ante

Nam Hai Hoang lost most of his chips to France’s Jerome Finck in an earlier pot. Hoang’s next move was to shove. He shoved his chips in a raised pot with Indian pro Nishant Sharma. The Gamezy Poker pro opened from the highjack spot; Hiroki Takezaki of Japan made the call. Hoang 3-bet shoved when the action circled to him. Sharma then went for the 4-bet route and raised to 35,000 which was called by Takezaki.

There was a side pot brewing and things got heated. Dealer fanned out T♦ 5♣ 3♦ and Takezaki checked his option. Sharma threw 40,000 chips and found a caller. The turn revealed 9♥ and both players checked their options. 5♠ came on the river and Sharma checked. Takezaki threw 75,000 in the pot and a call came from Sharma. Hoang tabled A♣ Jc; while Sharma showed A♠ Kd and Takezaki turned over K♣ Q♣. 

  • Hoang: A♣ Jc
  • Takezaki: K♣ Q♣ 
  • Sharma: A♠ Kd
  • Board: T♦ 5♣ 3♦ 9♥ 5♠


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