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Neeraj Kumar Poker
GS Admin
Posted on 13 Oct, 2018
By GS Admin
On 13 Oct, 2018
By GS Admin
On 13 Oct, 2018

Neeraj Kumar wins SSS Event #23 on Spartan

You would know this player called Neeraj Kumar by the username ‘SelfClaimedPro’ on PokerBaazi, where he’s always among the top finishes and has shipped a few titles as well, the most recent being the BSS PLO Event at the start of the month. Now however, he’s excelling on The Spartan Poker, having made a few money finishes and now won a title in the ongoing Spartan Super Series (SSS).

Yesterday was Day 5 of the SSS series on Spartan, where Kumar plays under the name ‘Jannat52’. It has been a good run for him in this series so far, having finished runner up in SSS Event #17 just the previous night. Now, he went one step further to ship a tournament, taking away INR 61,800 in prize money.

Kumar registered to SSS Event #23 INR 240k GTD that had a buy-in of INR 770 and attracted a total field of 137 unique players. The prize pool was shared among the top 17 places with a minimum cash prize of INR 3,840 and Neeraj Kumar aka ‘Jannat52’ took away the biggest prize.

Kumar beat ‘karanmangla’ in heads-up, who took away the runner-up prize of INR 40,920. The tournament wasn’t a very long one, coming to an end in Level #37 with the blinds at 4,700/9,400 – 940. Here, Kumar had generated a chip lead of around 3:1 before the final hand was played.

karanmangla had a short stack and decided to shove all-in pre-flop with 9d 4d. Kumar made the call with Jh As and the board ran dry – 2d 7c 3c 8h 5d. The players didn’t improve on their original hands and Kumar ended up winning the pot and the tournament with high card Ace.

Gutshot caught up with Neeraj Kumar to ask him about this victory. He said, “Nothing much to be said except that I’m very happy to win an SSS title after losing heads-up in SSS #17. Now, it’s time to chase the leaderboard.” Keep reading GutshotMagazine.com for more updates on the Spartan Super Series.

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