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APT Hanoi Billions 2023 - Main Event
Mrinal Gujare
Posted on 07 Dec, 2023
By Mrinal Gujare
On 07 Dec, 2023
By Mrinal Gujare
On 07 Dec, 2023

J Raju Miss Money Bubble, Eliminated

APT Hanoi Billions 2023 - Main Event - J Raju

Level 17, blinds 3,000/6,000, big blind ante 6,000

J Raju just fell short of two places before entering the money bubble. On Table 3, an all-in was announced and a call was made. Well-known Indian poker player J Raju locked horns with Vietnam’s Thinh Nguyen Duc. 

The Indian player went all-in on the flop of A♥ Q♥ T♦ and was snap-called by his rival in the hand. J Raju was heard asking his opponent, “What do you have? Aces? Queens? Straight?” 

Duc was calm the whole time and waited for the Tournament Director’s instructions to proceed further. Both players revealed their hand; J Raju had ATo and Duc had KJo. 

9♦ and 3♠ came on the turn and river respectively. Neither of these two cards could save J Raju who’s journey in the Main Event came to an end on Day 2. 


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