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indianivey90 Poker
GS Admin
Posted on 29 Oct, 2018
By GS Admin
On 29 Oct, 2018
By GS Admin
On 29 Oct, 2018

‘indianivey90’ beats Ashish Ahuja to win Sunday SuperStack

Sunday is known for seeing some of the biggest online poker tournaments in India, while The Spartan Poker ensures that they provide the biggest tournaments for poker players every Sunday. These include the likes of the Big Daddy, the LBS Main Event, Sunday SuperStack and others.

The Big Daddy was taken down by ‘SlamDunk’ before all action turned to Sunday SuperStack INR 25 Lakh GTD last night, which had a buy-in of INR 5,500 and kicked off by 7:30pm last evening. This very popular tournament attracted a strong field of 492 entries by the end of the registration period last night.

From them, 40 were paid out a minimum cash prize of INR 15,000 and the action got very intense once the pay-outs began. Tons of well-known pros including Chiraag Patel aka ‘Drunkenf1st’, Siddharth Karia aka ‘schemer77’, Apratim Sharma aka ‘checm@te’, Akshay Nasa aka ‘sherlock52’, Pranjal Gandhi aka ‘lilmessipranjal’ and others reach the money, but none of them could go all the way.

However, the play who did manage to keep up the grind and take down the Sunday SuperStack yesterday was ‘indianivey90’ who wished to stay anonymous but clearly is a big fan of international poker pro, Phil Ivey. He beat Ashish Ahuja aka ‘Spewushhhiiiii’ in heads up to take away the biggest prize of INR 6,62,500 for first place.

Ahuja is a well-known pro who has been cashing a lot across various platforms over the last few weeks. Just recently, he won a couple of Mega Stack titles on Spartan, while also outlasting an extremely tough field to win the PPL-edition of The Endeavour on PokerBaazi. However, he couldn’t beat indianivey90 last night, taking away INR 4,12,500 for finishing second.

The tournament came to an end at 2:58am this morning with the blinds at 50,000/100,000 – 12,500 in Level #51. indianivey90 had gained a chip lead of over 6:1 before the final hand took place. Here, Ahuja shoved with Ah 2h pre-flop and indianivey90 made the call with Ac 9c. The board opened 3d Ad Qc Tc 9s and indianivey90 won the pot with Aces and Nines.

For more updates on India’s biggest tournament winners in online poker, keep reading GutshotMagazine.com.

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