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VIPT Hanoi 2024 - Vietnam Open
Mrinal Gujare
Posted on 24 Apr, 2024
By Mrinal Gujare
On 24 Apr, 2024
By Mrinal Gujare
On 24 Apr, 2024

Final Hand Of Heads-Up

Heads-up Vietnam Open

In the deciding hand of the VIPT Hanoi 2024 Vietnam Open, both players were all-in. The Indian was still ahead in chip counts but credit must be given to the Vietnamese player who managed to close much of the chip stack gap. 

Preflop action had the Vietnam national 3-bet to 1.8 Million chips; Gupta thought for a few seconds and pushed all his chips in the middle. Sang made the call with 13 Million chips against his rival’s 15 Million. 

It was an AKo (Gupta) vs A9s (Sang) hand. The board presented 4s Kc Qc 7h Ad. It was game over for the Vietnamese player and the Indian emerged victorious after a rigorous day at work.  


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