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IPC 8K Mega Satellite
Amarylisa Gonsalves
Posted on 17 May, 2022
By Amarylisa Gonsalves
On 17 May, 2022
By Amarylisa Gonsalves
On 17 May, 2022

Dhirendra Shows Kanishka A Straight Door

On Table 4, at Level 9 – blinds 600/1,200, popular Kaniska Samant was busted at the hands of Gutshot Pro Dhirendra Kumar. Samant bet 1,400 and Kumar called. The flop opened to 9h Js Kd, and both players checked, even though Kumar had the absolute nuts. On the turn of Ah, Kumar improved his straight and bet small with 2,000 chips. The river opened to 3d, and Kumar again bet small (3,000) from the big blind position hoping that Samant would jam. At this point, Samant, who held AQ, did exactly that by shoving his remaining 6,000 chips into the pot, banking on his queen kicker. But to Samant’s dismay, Kumar won the pot and eliminated the former with a T-A straight. 

  • Samant: AQ
  • Kumar: QT
  • Board: 9 J K A 3


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