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Gutshot Admin
Posted on 10 Aug, 2019
By Gutshot Admin
On 10 Aug, 2019
By Gutshot Admin
On 10 Aug, 2019

Consecutive victories for Jayjit Ray; wins Elite again!

It was just yesterday that we spoke about Jayjit Ray shipping Head-Hunter on Spartan Poker for a payday of INR 3.4+ Lakh. Now, he’s gone on to win the Friday night feature as well, making it two titles in two days on this platform. Yesterday’s was a much tougher field though, as it’s a tournament meant only for the best in the business in India!

We’re talking about Elite INR 20 Lakh GTD which has a buy-in of INR 11,000 and is played every Friday night on Spartan. Last night too, we had 212 entries that took the prize pool up to INR 21.2 Lakh, eventually being shared by the top 20 people with a min-cash of INR 28,408 each.

24 hours after he took down Head-Hunter, Jayjit Ray went on to get himself yet another major title on Spartan Poker, winning Elite and bagging the top prize of INR 5,08,800 as well. In April this year, Ray won his second Elite title following his maiden one in March, making this the third time he’s won this popular tournament. He seems to be unstoppable right now in online poker!

In heads-up, he was pitted against ‘Hittuuu’ who made a good run but narrowly missed out on the title and the major pay jump, having to settle for INR 3,45,560 for finishing runner-up. Ray plays as ‘David Blaine’ on Spartan and yesterday, he had an 8:1 chip lead before dealing the final blow.

The final hand saw him re-raise all-in pre-flop with A7 and his partner made the call with A3. Hittuuu would’ve been hoping for a 3 to open up on the board but instead, he got Ts 4s 9d 5d Td which meant both players hit a pair of Tens and Ray won the title with a higher kicker, 7.

For similar updates on the top Indian online and live poker tournaments, stay tuned to GutshotMagazine.com.

Don’t have an account on Spartan Poker? Check out their review page here, and don’t miss out on their bonuses, promotions, and guarantee-smashing tournaments. Sign-up now.


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