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Chiraag Patel Poker
GS Admin
Posted on 21 Sep, 2018
By GS Admin
On 21 Sep, 2018
By GS Admin
On 21 Sep, 2018

Chiraag Patel ships The Flash on Spartan

The Flash is one of The Spartan Poker’s featured tournaments and this one takes place every Thursday night on their platform. With a buy-in of INR 4,400, The Flash INR 12 Lakh GTD kicked off last night at 7:30pm and it was a grind of 5 hours and 38 minutes before a winner emerged.

The guarantee in this tournament is almost always beaten and yesterday was no different, with 305 entries taking the prize pool up to INR 12.2 lakh. This was then shared among the top 27 players with a min-cash of INR 12,200, and the player to take away the biggest prize of the night was none other than Chiraag Patel aka ‘Drunkenf1st’.

Patel is an extremely popular player, with a lot of success in the online as well as live poker space. His most recent successes include winning the Quickie Series Leaderboard on Spartan in February, shipping their Electra tournament in May, also winning an IOPC title in July and then winning a live title in APPT Manila in August.

Patel dominated a tough field last night on Spartan and was awarded with INR 2,70,230 for this effort. The tournament ended in Level #44, with the blinds at 21,000/42,000 – 5,250 and the player beating Goonjan Mall aka ‘gmtesting’ in heads-up; Mall took away INR 1,82,390 for finishing second.

After building a good chip lead, Chiraag took down the tournament when he hit Three of a kind Sixes on the turn of the final hand. Mall would’ve been disappointed as he is a very competitive player, with plenty of recent successes himself, including winning an Ace Race leaderboard on Adda52 and the Mega Freeze tournament on Spartan.

Gutshot had a word with Patel after this victory. He said, “I am actually coming off a 2-week break so it feels really good to win a tourney right now. The tournament itself was quite a bit of a rollercoaster. Won some crucial flips and my dominating hands held up more often than not. Came back from 4bb at a point. The final table included some decent players and I really ran quite well heads up to get the better of gmtesting (Goonjan Mall). Gg buddy!”

We also caught up with the runner-up Mall after this run and he said, “I play to win. Losing heads-up was devastating. Congratulations to Drunkenf1st (Patel) – well played and well-deserved victory.” Keep reading GutshotMagazine.com for more updates on the top poker tournaments in India.

Slim Spartan

Don’t have an account on The Spartan Poker? Don’t miss out on their bonuses, promotions, and guarantee-smashing tournaments. Sign-up now by clicking HERE.


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