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Anirban Das Poker
GS Admin
Posted on 01 Oct, 2018
By GS Admin
On 01 Oct, 2018
By GS Admin
On 01 Oct, 2018

Anirban Das bags Spartan’s Sunday SuperStack

Sunday is the day every online poker player awaits as most of the online poker rooms hold their most awaited tournaments on this week off day. On The Spartan Poker, a couple of tournaments are played out each Sunday including the Sunday SuperStack INR 25 lakh GTD – an INR 5,500 re-entry tournament. Last week saw Arjun Arora winning this high ROI tournament.

Yesterday, on Sunday, the Sunday Superstack was played and it as usual saw a massive 515 entries which boosted the 25L GTD to INR 25.75 Lakh GTD. A total of 50 places were paid a minimum sum of INR 12,875.

After a gruesome battler for the top spot, Anirban Das aka ‘pokernoob’ came out on top of this vicious field after a total of 7 hours and 45 minutes which won him the top prize of INR 6,69,500 for finishing first. ‘Alibaba_kings’ finished in 2nd place, taking home a big chunk of the guarantee, summing up to a total INR 4,12,000. The tournament started at 7:30 pm on Sunday and went on till late 3.15 am on Monday morning.

In the final hand of the tournament, with a relative chip lead, pokernoob opened the betting by raising it preflop to 240,000 with Ks Kd and Alibaba_kings with As 8h re-raised to 840,000 only to see pokernoob bumping it to 2,000,000. After flat calling the 1,320,000, Alibaba_kings shoved all in with the flop reading 3c 6c 8d and saw an instant call by Das with his Ks Kd. The board paired up on the turn with a 3d and the river was a Kc giving pokernoob a fullhouse, Kings full of Threes and giving Alibaba_kings two pairs, Eights and Threes.

Anirban Das won the tournament, ironically beating Alibaba_kings with Kings. Another top name in the online circuit to finish in the money in this week’s Sunday Superstack was Mani Singh aka ‘KOQ’ who finished 4th taking home a sum of INR 1,69,950. Gutshot caught up with Das after this victory. He said, “Was great to win this one since it’s Spartan’s oldest feature tournament. Had come 2nd a few weeks back so was nice to finally close this one out. Was smooth sailing since before the bubble right upto FT. There were a few hiccups in heads up, but got it done relatively easily. Big shoutout to fellow old timers spectre and KOQ who were also on the FT”

Slim Spartan

Don’t have an account on The Spartan Poker? Don’t miss out on their bonuses, promotions, and guarantee-smashing tournaments. Sign-up now by clicking HERE.


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