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Anirban Das bags maiden Daredevil title Poker
Gutshot Editorial
Posted on 27 Jan, 2019
By Gutshot Editorial
On 27 Jan, 2019
By Gutshot Editorial
On 27 Jan, 2019

Anirban Das bags maiden Daredevil title

When we scroll through our archives here on GutshotMagazine.com, we find a whole lot of results under the name of Anirban Das, who is one of India’s top players in the online circuit. Regardless of which website he plays on, positive results and big profits are very common for this player.

Last night on The Spartan Poker, he registered to play in the Daredevil INR 6 Lakh GTD, which is one of their more popular tournaments, given the fact that it has an INR 4,400 buy-in and a 50% discount on all re-buys. For Das, this is one title that has evaded him since quite a while, but yesterday, the wait came to an end.

The tournament kicked off at its usual time of 7:30pm last evening and Das would’ve really enjoyed this Saturday night at home, beating a field of 98 unique players who bought into the tournament at least once each. The participation was better than expected which inflated the prize pool up to INR 7.3 Lakh and by the end of the night, it was Anirban Das who took away the biggest share.

Just 12 places were paid, each receiving a minimum cash prize of INR 16,425. Das plays as ‘pokernoob’ on Spartan, but he clearly is no noob at this game. Last night proved to be another successful victory for the player, adding the top prize of INR 2,08,050 to his poker bankroll.

Here, he beat another top player in heads-up – Amit Ajwani aka ‘kasuf’, who has also been having a good run in online poker of late. Ajwani and Das both had a brilliant IOPC series earlier this month, where the overall series guarantee was crushed, crossing the INR 10-crore barrier as well. Das himself won 3 titles in that series!

With a chip lead of nearly 4:1 prior to the final hand, Das decided it was right to shove all-in with 8c 9c, and Ajwani would’ve been confident making the call with pocket Deuces. The latter was ahead and was set to chip up comfortably with the 6s Ac 3h 3s turn board, but 8s on the river gave Das Eights and Threes, which was good enough to sweep the pot and the title.

When we contacted Anirban about this victory, he said, “It was good to ship Daredevil and set up a nice grind going into Sunday. Well played to ‘KasolHieghts’ and ‘kasuf’, two players who have gotten the better of me in the past, so it was nice to finally beat them both in the top 3. This is the first time I’ve shipped Daredevil, so it becomes even more special.”

As for Ajwani, he wouldn’t have been too disappointed either, taking away a decent runner-up prize of INR 1,35,050. For similar updates on the top Indian and international poker tournaments, keep reading GutshotMagazine.com.

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Don’t have an account on The Spartan Poker? Check out their review page here, and don’t miss out on their bonuses, promotions, and guarantee-smashing tournaments. Sign-up now.


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