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GS Admin
Posted on 24 Sep, 2018
By GS Admin
On 24 Sep, 2018
By GS Admin
On 24 Sep, 2018

Aniket W wins Big Daddy tourney and Goa trip on Spartan

The Big Daddy INR 5 lakh GTD is one of The Spartan Poker’s most popular featured tournaments for a couple of reasons. One, you get to be a part of the prize pool for a buy-in of INR 880, the lowest buy-in among Spartan’s featured tournaments. Two, the winner receives an INR 30,000 package trip to Goa in addition to his/her tournament winnings.

The tournament has an early kick-off before the high-guarantee tournaments take place later in the night. Starting at 4pm yesterday, it attracted a total field of 558 entries and Aniket W aka ‘Anteman’ did exceedingly well to dominate the field and emerge victorious, winning INR 95,000 in prize money along with a package trip to Goa!

The prize pool was shared among the top 45 finishers who each received a minimum prize of INR 2,750. However, none won a prize bigger than Anteman, who will now be preparing himself to fly to Goa to play at the Big Daddy poker room and try to multiply his winnings there.

It wasn’t a very long tournament as it was all wrapped up within 4 hours and 44 minutes since it began. The tournament came to an end when Aniket beat ‘rajmskn’ in heads-up after the final hand was played out in Level #37 where the blinds were running 12,500/25,000 – 2,500.

Aniket managed to grow his chip lead to over 10:1 and the final hand saw rajmskn shoving in his diminishing chip stack pre-flop, holding Jc Tc. Aniket made the call with Kc 5h as the board opened up 8s 6h 7d Ac Qh. Both players didn’t improve their hands and Aniket won with high card Ace and a higher kicker, King. rajmskn then settled for the runner-up prize of INR 68,750.

Gutshot caught up with this winner to know how he feels about this victory. The 26-year old from Mumbai is a Machine Learning Engineer and he spoke to us about his introduction to poker, saying, “The first time I ever played Poker, was when Adda52 organized a live tournament in our college fest, around 4-5 years ago. I didn’t know anything about the game but went for it out of curiosity. Though I didn’t win, I got a Rs.250 real money gift card. I signed up on Adda and obviously blew away that 250 in a matter of minutes. Then I started playing on other sites.  I love the game, and most of the content I watch for entertainment is about Poker. I also try to learn as much as I can. I used to play cash games quite a lot. But I find the different dynamics of MTT play really interesting, and so now I almost exclusively play tournaments. I used to do a lot more grinding during college years, but since a year I have been playing only occasionally due to time and work constraints.”

Talking about yesterday’s Big Daddy, he said, “This tournament win involved some luck, as any MTT win does. I had a slow start, busted, and had to rebuy. But eventually doubled up and from there had a steady increase in stack. In top 16, I was quite short hovering around 15-20 bb for a long time. I called a 12BB shove with QJs and lost, left with only 3BB stack. I gave up on the tourney at that point. But from there the boom switch just went on! Doubled up thrice and reached FT with third biggest stack. The hand that really put in position to win came in top 6. I opened from HJ with AA. And the biggest stack (by a large margin) reshoved 70 bigs from CO. I snap called and my Aces held up against his queens. From there it was smooth sailing for me thanks to the big stack and the run good.”

On a parting note, he told us about his future plans in the game, saying, “I hope to play more live Poker in the future. Playing the WSOP ME is a dream for me and am planning to check it off in the next 2-3 years.” Keep reading GutshotMagazine.com for more updates on the top Indian online poker tournaments.

Slim Spartan

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