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Anand Ashok wins SSS Event #3 on Spartan Poker
Gutshot Editorial
Posted on 11 Sep, 2018
By Gutshot Editorial
On 11 Sep, 2018
By Gutshot Editorial
On 11 Sep, 2018

Anand Ashok wins SSS Event #3 on Spartan

There was a lot of excitement in the Indian poker industry yesterday, with another edition of the Spartan Super Series (SSS) launching yesterday on The Spartan Poker. This time, the series has returned with INR 4+ crore in guaranteed prizes to go with INR 10 lakh on the SSS Leaderboard. Yesterday was the opening day and a total of five tournaments were contested on this day.

SSS Event #3 INR 4.5 Lakh GTD kicked off yesterday evening and a total field of 356 entries registered to the INR 1,650 tournament. The guarantee was beaten again as it almost always is in the SSS, with a new prize pool of INR 5,34,000 being generated.

Coming out on top of this big field and winning the third tournament of the day was DJ Anand Ashok aka ‘danial13’, who was paid out the biggest share of the prize pool, which was shared among the top 27 players with a minimum cash prize of INR 4,806. Ashok won INR 1,17,480 after he beat his last opponent ‘rocketarchie’ in heads-up.

The tournament eventually ended in Level #53 with the blinds running at 20,000/40,000 – 4,000. Ashok had slightly more than a 2:1 chip lead before going into what turned out to be the final hand of the tournament. rocketarchie’s chip stack was diminishing, so he decided to go all-in pre-flop with 7d Kd.

Ashok wouldn’t have hesitated to make the call with pocket Threes. The board opened out 2s Qs Td 8c Qc and rocketarchie got no further assistance, while Ashok took down the pot and the title with Queens and Threes. The third SSS tournament of the day thus came to an end and rocketarchie had to settle for the runner-up prize of INR 79,566.

A total of 37 tournaments have been scheduled in the Spartan Super Series between 10-16 September, and you can keep reading GutshotMagazine.com for updates on all these events.


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