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A23 Poker
IPC 100K High Roller
Amarylisa Gonsalves
Posted on 20 May, 2022
By Amarylisa Gonsalves
On 20 May, 2022
By Amarylisa Gonsalves
On 20 May, 2022

Akhilendra Doubles Up

Akhilendra Singh, who was the first bust out of the day, doubled up during Level 13 on Table 1. Siddarth Singhvi bet 33,000 preflop holding K J . Singh, with less than 10BB, raised all-in to 149,000 and he was called by Sighvi. The board opened to A Q J 6 6 , and Singh showed Q K to double up with a Q-pair.

Singh had re-entered the tournament immediately after busting out within the first five minutes of the game. Seems like his second bullet is here to stay!

  • Singhvi: K J
  • Singh: Q K  
  • Board: A Q J 6 6


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