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Abhineet Jain ships SSS Event #12 Poker
Team Gutshot
Posted on 16 Aug, 2018
By Team Gutshot
On 16 Aug, 2018
By Team Gutshot
On 16 Aug, 2018

Abhineet Jain ships SSS Event #12

The Spartan Poker is currently hosting the August edition of the Spartan Super Series, which is awarding guaranteed prizes of over INR 3.7 crore during 13-19 August. Yesterday was the third day of the series and some of the most popular poker pros were among the action, adding to their bankrolls and gaining vital points to the SSS Leaderboard, where INR 10 lakh is being given away to the top 10 finishers.

SSS #12 INR 1.5 Lakh GTD was the second tournament to be played on SSS Day 3, kicking off at 4pm IST and attracting a total field of 440 entries. From these, the top 54 players were paid out a minimum cash prize of INR 675, with popular player Abhineet Jain taking home the top prize.

Jain plays under the username ‘pokemon13’ and he outlasted all these entries to take home a paycheck of INR 27,750 for the first place. Quite a few big names were among the action and Jain beat Sanjay Taneja, another popular player, in heads-up, who took home the runners-up prize of INR 20,025.

Playing under the name ‘Apollo1’, Taneja is one of the many Indian players who made a trip to Las Vegas for the recent 2018 WSOP series. He bagged three cashes there and has now made another small addition to his poker bankroll here. Remember, Taneja also shipped Spartan’s mega 2.o.K. tournament in December last year.

Jain is another upcoming poker player, who was signed as PokerDangal Team Pro just a few months back. In heads-up, he made a 2:1 lead against Taneja before the final hand was arrived at. This was in Level #35 of the tournament, with the blinds at 10,000/20,000 – 2,000.

Taneja decided to move all-in before the flop with Ks 7s and Jain made the call with 9h Ac. The board Ts Qd 3c 6d Th and both players had a pair of tens. However, Jain had a higher kicker A, which was good enough for him to win the title, which became his first major title on Spartan.

Gutshot caught up with Jain to ask him how he felt after shipping this title. He said, “PKO is my favorite tournament format and I had a lot of fun playing the tournament. I was the chipleader throughout the tournament except maybe a few levels in between. One of the crucial hands which took place was before the registration period ended where I opened QQ from cutoff and the player second in chips 3 bets from sb. I flat and the flop comes q85. The villain bets pot on the flop, I flat to see K on the turn when the villain shoves and I call with my set of queens to crack his aces. I entered final table with a commanding chip lead and shipped it eventually.” 

Both players will be looking for more deep runs in the rest of the SSS series. Keep reading GutshotMagazine.com for more updates on this cash-rich series.

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