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Abhinav Iyer Poker
GS Admin
Posted on 14 Sep, 2018
By GS Admin
On 14 Sep, 2018
By GS Admin
On 14 Sep, 2018

Abhinav Iyer takes down SSS Event #18 on Spartan

Yesterday was Day 4 of the ongoing Spartan Super Series (SSS) on The Spartan Poker, where a total of six SSS tournaments were scheduled for the day. Winning an SSS title is always a huge achievement and poker players around the country all have their eyes on these prestigious tournaments.

SSS Event #18 INR 2 Lakh GTD was the third tournament to begin on Day 4 and this was an INR 1,100 freezeout tournament that saw a total participation of 179 entries. The top 23 finishers shared this prize pool with a minimum cash prize of INR 2,320 but none took away a prize bigger than Abhinav Iyer aka ‘Schumi91’.

Iyer is a popular player in the online and live circuit, with plenty of achievements to his name. He has a couple of Destiny tournament wins on Spartan in the past and his most recent victory came on Adda52, where he shipped their Paycheck tournament for a massive prize of INR 4.9 lakh.

Last night, he beat this field to win the top prize of INR 46,500 after he eliminated ‘atulkhurana’ in heads-up. It was in Level #38 that the tournament eventually came to an end, with the blinds running at 5,200/10,400 – 1,040. Iyer held a chip lead of 3:1 before the final hand was played.

Here, Iyer held 7c 8c and atulkhurana held Jh 9d in this hand where players made small bets on every street, before Iyer went all-in on the river. The board opened Tc Kc 9c Ks Jc and Iyer hit a rare straight flush to end the tournament in a fantastic way, beating atulkhurana’s Kings and Jacks. The latter settled for INR 31,500 for second place.

Many more tournaments are scheduled for this edition of the SSS and you can get all updates on the same here at GutshotMagazine.com.

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