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Abhinav Iyer Scoops A Pot! APT Super High Roller - 8 Max
Mrinal Gujare
Posted on 30 Apr, 2023
By Mrinal Gujare
On 30 Apr, 2023
By Mrinal Gujare
On 30 Apr, 2023

Abhinav Iyer Scoops A Pot!

Level 24, Blinds: 100K/200K, Ante 200K

Abhinav Iyer Scoops A Pot!

Fung Sam Lam opened the action with 400,000 from under the gun (UTG) and Abhinav Iyer called. The dealer revealed a flop of 4♥ 7♥ K♥; both players checked their options. 3♥ fell on the turn and again the warring rivals checked through. 3♣ came on the river and that is when Iyer bet 275,000. While we don’t know what the hole cards were, the WSOP bracelet winner took down the pot. 


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