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Tag: IPC Megastacks May 2022

IPC Megastacks May 2022

18 May, 2022 Alok No Match For Nines

On Table 1, Alok Pawar bet 1,200 preflop with blinds at 300/600 and Jatin Buyana shoved 11,900 into the pot as he had pocket nines. The all-in was called by Pawar who had Ace-King suited. The board ran out 3 9 K J in which Buyana flopped his set and won against Pawar’s A K.  [&hel...

IPC Megastacks May 2022

18 May, 2022 Shashank Succumbs

Shashank Jain shoved all-in from the big blind with K T preflop and was called by Somshekhar (8 5) and Harsh Bubna (8 5). The board opened to 5 8 4 and both Bubna and Somshekhar flopped two pairs. The 2 A on turn and river respectively did not help Jain and he walked away […]

IPC Megastacks May 2022

18 May, 2022 Want To Win Free Tickets To 15K Mystery Bounty?

Gutshot’s raffle booth is the first stall next to the massive India Poker Championship entrance. You can find Gutshot’s Jared D’costa in the booth who will help you win three tickets to IPC 15K Mystery Bounty. All you have to do is, head to the stall, enter your name, contact numb...

IPC Megastacks May 2022

18 May, 2022 Double Bust Outs

Now we are talking about high-intensity action. On Table 6 at Level 5 (blinds 300/500, ante 500) Arjun Bharadwaj bet 1,000, Caroline Dsouza called, Anita Hassanandani (6 6) took the all-in route with 11,000 chips. Harsh with his Fish Hooks also went all-in (18,000 chips) and Bharadwaj f...

IPC Megastacks May 2022

18 May, 2022 Ankit Knocks Out Sameer

As Level 5 continues, players on Table 5 saw a bit of action preflop when Ankit Jajodia went all-in with Snowmen. Sameer Agarwal called holding K T while the rest folded. The action between the two reached showdown and the cards 4 3 9 8 5. While Jagodia was already leading, the turn ble...

IPC Megastacks May 2022

18 May, 2022 Manoj’s Bullets Double Up Against Anita’s Cowboys

Table 4 during Level 5, witnessed a classic poker favourite hand where bullets and cowboys locked horns. The result was obvious, with the aces overpowering the cowboys. Anita Hassanandani bet 400 preflop and Manoj Pentakota with his aces raised to 2,000 chips. This is exactly what Hassa...

IPC Megastacks May 2022

18 May, 2022 Monster Hands Clash

What happens when Cowboys lock horns with Pocket Rockets? Come on people, be creative. No? Let us tell you the story. On Table 16 at Level 5 (blinds 300/500, ante 500), Dipankur Gupta made a preflop bet of 1,000. Aman Mehta raised to 2,500 and Raju Shekhar on the small blind wasted no t...

IPC Megastacks May 2022

18 May, 2022 Dhirendra Going Steady

On Table 5 at Level 4 (blinds 200/400, ante 400), Gutshot sponsored pro Dhirendra Kumar bets 900 which got called by the other three players. Flop (6h Jc 7h) was checked by the players and the action resumed on the turn (7c). Kumar went for a small bet of 1,000, Anil Kumar and Himanshu ...

IPC Megastacks May 2022

18 May, 2022 Shardul Doubles Up From Kunal

After reshuffling, Table 10 had Kunal Patni who bet 5,000 preflop with pocket jacks. With blinds at 200/400 Poker Bootcamp coach Shardul Parthasarathi jammed his entire stack of 34,600 chips with A K. Patni, putting trust in his Hooks to win him the hand, called his shove. At showdown, ...

IPC Megastacks May 2022

18 May, 2022 Anish Takes Away Som Chips

The action is heating up on the poker tables with players busting and re-entering the 25K Kick-Off event. On Table 15, on one of the hands at Level 4, Sumit Sapra bet 900 which was called by Som Shekhar and Anish Arora from the big blind. The flop rolls out 9 5 3 and Arora flopped [&hel...

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