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Tag: IPC Megastacks May 2022

IPC Megastacks May 2022

22 May, 2022 Dhaval Out Of The Main Event Race

In a Dhaval Mudgal vs Zarvan Tumboli battle, the Parsi boy prevailed. At Level 19 with blinds 6,000/12,000, ante 12,000, Mudgal bet 12,000 and his rival called the bet. On the flop (5 Q 4), the MPL Poker Pro again bet 12,000 with a middle pair and Tumboli matched again with his top pair...

IPC Megastacks May 2022

22 May, 2022 Sunil Finds The Exit Door At The 34th Spot

While the ace proved to be unfruitful in the earlier bust out, it saved the day in the next hand. Sunil Chaudhary bet 24,000 preflop and was all-in called by Anand Thakur. Chaudhary also shoved his stack all-in to see the board of 9 9 9 A 3. Thakur flipped A J, while Chaudhary showed [&...

IPC Megastacks May 2022

22 May, 2022 Jain Trips Sharma To The Exit

It’s Level 9 of the 15K Mystery Bounty, preflop Abhishek Jain bet 2,800 with A Q. Nishant Sharma with only 13BB and K 7 jammed his stack and was called by Jain. When the dealer fanned out the cards, Jain flopped a set with his Ace and was already in the lead. While Sharma hit [&he...

IPC Megastacks May 2022

22 May, 2022 Deepankur ‘Krippled’ At 30th Spot

Siddhanth Kripalani bet 25,000 preflop with A 6 and was called by Deepankur Gupta, who held ducks. The flop opened to A 8 A, and Kripalani bet 24,000 having flopped a three-of-a-kind to be called by Gupta, who now sat with two pairs. Kripalani with the aim to trap checked on the turn of...

IPC Megastacks May 2022

22 May, 2022 Nimit Out At 35th Place

Nimit Patel shoved all-in from the UTG, and was called by the chip leader Niharika Bindra. The board opened to 7 5 2 A 7. Niharika flipped K 7, and Patel showed A Q, and the former hit a three-of-a-kind to win the pot and bust Patel with an Ace-pair in the 35th spot for […]

IPC Megastacks May 2022

22 May, 2022 Players Are Loving The Mystery Bounty Event

This is the first time that the 15K Mystery Bounty tournament is being hosted in the India Poker Championship series. Players are swooning to the registration desk to get themselves registered for the Bounty event. So far, 87 players have registered for this event. The obsession for thi...

IPC Megastacks May 2022

22 May, 2022 Deepankur Makes A Sick Call

When you can tell a bluff played by a well-known grinder, people will call you brilliant. A sick call was made by Deepankur Gupta against Siddhanth Kripalani’s bluff who had K J. Gupta had A K and raised to 68,000 when Kripalani opened with 23,000 preflop and the football lover called. ...

IPC Megastacks May 2022

22 May, 2022 Anant Trapped By The Hooks, Takes 36th Spot

Niharika Bindra bet 22,000 from the UTG +1, and was raised to 65,000 by Anant Purohit from the button preflop. Bindra shoved all-in and Purohit called by going all-in too. Purohit showed the little slick while, Bindra flipped fish hooks. The board showed 8 8 K 6 2, and Purohit left with...

IPC Megastacks May 2022

22 May, 2022 Shreyabha’s Sailboats Housed By Raju

Shreayabha Pandey, who shoved all-in with his sailboats preflop, was called by J Raju. The board opened to 2 6 Q 9 9, and Raju flopped a set and then a full house on the river, while Pandey was left with two pairs. Raju took down the pot and sent away Pandey at the 37th […]

IPC Megastacks May 2022

22 May, 2022 Abraham Shows Chhikara The Door

Himanshu Chhikara had only 8BB and jammed it into the pot at Level 18 with blinds at 5,000/10,000. Abraham Gera took up the challenge and at preflop pushed his entire stack in the pot as well with K J. The community cards fell and showed T J 6 7 K. Gera was already leading with […]

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