Saturday saw several top pros clinch titles in the India Online Poker Championship (IOPC) July 2022. Tanmay Benara, Ashish Ahuja, Sanchit Nag among others walked away with winning titles. Benara was the biggest winner of the night as he shipped the Saturday Prime and cashed a massive ₹5,71,280. Keep reading further to know more about the action that went down last night.
The first tournament of the day had a massive field of 803 entries, comprising 379 unique entries, 111 re-entries and 313 rebuys. The ₹550 buy-in tournament was shipped by a mystery player who goes by the moniker ‘Agent of Chaos’ who pocketed ₹86,850. The runner up in this event was also mystery player who goes by the moniker ‘Benjamin Roulette’ and cashed ₹54,720.
Saurabh Rohila aka ‘darksider’ shipped the IOPC #68 PKO event. He had a payday of ₹1,13,186. The runner-up in this event was Karan Malhotra aka ‘Engineerlonda’ who walked away with ₹76,394. This ₹2,200 buy-in event garnered 328 entries in total, comprising 150 unique players, 55 re-entries and 123 rebuys. The top 27 players made it in the money. The min-cash stood at ₹5,110.
The IOPC #69 had 493 entries in total (250 unique players, 52 re-entries and 191 rebuys). The top 39 players made it in the money in this ₹770 buy-in tournament. The min-cash stood at ₹2,415. The tournament was shipped by Sanchit Nag aka ‘scofield1210’ who received a pay cheque of ₹70,175. The runner-up was ‘IPoopNuts,’ a mystery player who cashed ₹46,655.
ALSO READ: IOPC June 2022 Leaderboard Updates
This had 825 total entries, comprising 397 unique entries, 96 re-entries and 332 rebuys. The top 71 players made the money in this ₹880 buy-in event. A min-cash of ₹2,660 was paid. The tournament was shipped by an anonymous player called ‘Sweetie12’ who received ₹1,35,100 in prize money. The runner-up in this event was Faiz Alam aka ‘SoJaoBhaiya’ who cashed ₹85,120.
The Saturday Prime event had 740 entries in total. The top 71 players made it in the money. A min-cash of ₹11,248 was paid. Tanmay Benara aka ‘PlusEv’ shipped this tournament and walked away with ₹5,71,280 in prize money. The runner-up in this event was Abhimanyu Mittal aka ‘Asraat Manfi’ who cashed ₹3,59,936. The advertised guarantee of this event was crushed impressively and the final prize pool stood at ₹29,60,000.
Lawyer turned poker pro Ashish Ahuja nailed the Saturday Spotlight event for ₹2,80,656. The tournament runner-up was Unnikrishnan Nair aka ‘swimminwdafishies’ who pocketed ₹1,78,272. The event had 576 entries in total, comprising 285 unique entries, 65 re-entries, and 226 rebuys. The top 47 players made it in the money in this ₹2,750 buy-in event. The min-cash stood at ₹8,208. The advertised guarantee of this event was crushed and the final prize pool stood at ₹14,40,000.
The last tournament of the day had 731 total entries, comprising 358 unique entries, 123 re-entries and 250 rebuys. The ₹1,100 buy-in event was shipped by an anonymous player who goes by the moniker ‘dagadfool.’ The mystery player had a payday of ₹1,54,400. The runner-up in this event was Adarsh Jha aka ‘I m d GOAT’ who cashed ₹97,280. The top 71 players made it in the money. The min-cash stood at ₹3,040.
For more news and updates about IOPC events, keep reading Gutshot Magazine. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Telegram.
Manthra Koliyer is a writer at Gutshot Magazine. She has an affinity for seeing the world through people’s eyes. With a bubbly fun personality, you can always catch her chatting with anyone she comes across. Holding an English Literature degree from Wilson College, Mumbai, and a Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism from Asian College of Journalism, this pop culture fanatic is ready to take on the world with a pen, paper, and microphone. She also actively works on her personal blog called, where for a moment she lets you into her drama-filled world.
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