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India Turbo Masters Sep 2022: Live Leaderboard Updates Poker
Mrinal Gujare
Posted on 30 Sep, 2022
By Mrinal Gujare
On 30 Sep, 2022
By Mrinal Gujare
On 30 Sep, 2022

India Turbo Masters Sep 2022: Live Leaderboard Updates

India Turbo Masters (ITM) on Spartan Poker kick-starts today. If you have been keeping a tab on Gutshot then you know what this promotion offers. For the unversed ITM by Spartan Poker offers an enticing prize pool of ₹8+ Crore and a leaderboard contest worth ₹10 Lakh. Yes folks, there is a chance to earn more than the tournament guarantee with the exciting leaderboard challenge. For those who are super eager to know more about the leaderboard, read on. 

Top 10 players on the ITM leaderboard will get paid. The highest prize is ₹3 Lakh and the 10th position on the leaderboard will get a reward worth 10K. The prizes in the ITM leaderboard battle will be paid in bonus money (50%) and power bonus (50%). Gutshot will be covering the leaderboard updates live and you can keep a tab as to which player is hitting the ball out of the park when it comes to ruling the leaderboard chart.

Day 7

At the end of Day 7, Vikhyat Ahlawat is leading the ITM leaderboard for the third straight day. Right after him are Sushant Sirohi and online reg Karan Radia on the second and third spot respectively.

Player Place LBP Final Prizes
Vikhyat Ahlawat 1 4,919.87 ₹3,00,000.00
Sushant Sirohi 2 3,956.84 ₹2,00,000.00
Karan Radia 3 3,280.47 ₹1,60,000.00
Alok Pawar 4 2,957.66 ₹1,00,000.00
Ramesh Chauhan 5 2,737.10 ₹80,000.00
‘pin2chem’ 6 2,700.85 ₹60,000.00
Neeraj Kumar 7 2,579.10 ₹40,000.00
‘Justchillbro’ 8 2,533.30 ₹30,000.00
Manish Jangid 9 2,530.55 ₹20,000.00
Sengar Kumar 10 2,411.31 ₹10,000.00

Day 6

At the end of Day 6, we have Vikhyat Ahlawat holding on to his number one spot. Right behind the leaderboard ruler is Sushant Sirohi. The third and fourth spot is claimed by Karan Radia and Neeraj Kumar. 

Player Place LBP Final Prizes
Vikhyat Ahlawat 1 4,445.37 ₹3,00,000.00
Sushant Sirohi 2 3,045.91 ₹2,00,000.00
Karan Radia 3 2,666.86 ₹1,60,000.00
Neeraj Kumar 4 2,579.10 ₹1,00,000.00
Alok Pawar 5 2,533.21 ₹80,000.00
Manish Jangid 6 2,314.99 ₹60,000.00
Sengar Kumar 7 2,294.89 ₹40,000.00
pin2chem’ 8 2,213.17 ₹30,000.00
Ravi Jain 9 2,212.85 ₹20,000.00
Vishal Tulsyan 10 2,145.60 ₹10,000.00

Day 5

Day 5 of the promotion saw Vikhyat Ahlawat take over the numero uno post while Sushant Sirohi climbed up the ladder to settle on the second spot. The third position now belongs to online reg Karan Radia.

Player Place LBP Final Prizes
Vikhyat Ahlawat 1 3,737.52 ₹3,00,000.00
Sushant Sirohi 2 2,900.93 ₹2,00,000.00
Karan Radia 3 2,510.98 ₹1,60,000.00
Neeraj Kumar 4 2,461.51 ₹1,00,000.00
Manish Jangid 5 2,314.99 ₹80,000.00
Sengar Kumar 6 2,294.89 ₹60,000.00
Ravi Jain  7 2,212.85 ₹40,000.00
Alok Pawar 8 2,077.01 ₹30,000.00
pin2chem’ 9 1,939.18 ₹20,000.00
Jimmy Arora 10 1,898.27 ₹10,000.00

Day 4

Online reg Karan Radia took the number one spot on the leaderboard after Sushant Sirohi ruled the leaderboard for two back-to-back days. Vikhyat Ahlawat took the second spot while Manish Jangid took the third spot.

Player Place LBP Final Prizes
Karan Radia 1 2,306.05 ₹300,000.00
Vikhyat Ahlawat 2 2,154.90 ₹200,000.00
Manish Jangid 3 2,147.66 ₹160,000.00
Sushant Sirohi 4 2,120.93 ₹100,000.00
Ravi Jain 5 2,064.83 ₹80,000.00
Alok Pawar 6 1,966.47 ₹60,000.00
Sengar Kumar 7 1,826.95 ₹40,000.00
Rajesh Uttam 8 1,811.17 ₹30,000.00
Jimmy Arora 9 1,772.47 ₹20,000.00
Neeraj Kumar 10 1,733.85 ₹10,000.00

Day 3

At the end of Day 3, we have Sushant Sirohi in the commanding position. The second place is retained byJimmy Arora and a new entrant named ‘Godparticle’ has claimed the third spot. It would be interesting to see if Sirohi retains his number one spot for the remainder of the series.

Player Place LBP Final Prizes
Sushant Sirohi 1 1,781.60 ₹300,000.00
Jimmy Arora 2 1,772.47 ₹200,000.00
Sengar Kumar 3 1,697.80 ₹160,000.00
Vikhyat Ahlawat  4 1,685.45 ₹100,000.00
Rajesh Uttam 5 1,656.94 ₹80,000.00
Ankit Bajaj 6 1,562.97 ₹60,000.00
Ravi Jain 7 1,549.80 ₹40,000.00
Manish Jangid 8 1,439.99 ₹30,000.00
Karan Radia 9 1,371.07 ₹20,000.00
Bharath Kumar Sanapala 10 1,299.79 ₹10,000.00

Day 2

At the end of Day 2 of the ITM promotion, the leaderboard has Sushant Sirohi taking over after he climbed the chart from his third spot yesterday. Jimmy Arora slipped from his numero uno spot and now sits on the second place. The third position now belongs to online reg Karan Radia.

Player Place LBP Final Prizes
Sushant Sirohi 1 1,529.56 ₹3,00,000.00
Jimmy Arora 2 1,459.35 ₹2,00,000.00
Karan Radia 3 1,371.07 ₹1,60,000.00
Puneet Mishra 4 1,183.43 ₹1,00,000.00
Ravi Jain 5 1,108.93 ₹80,000.00
Vikhyat Ahlawat 6 1,075.71 ₹60,000.00
Vinay B 7 1,041.62 ₹40,000.00
Ankit Bajaj 8 1,021.71 ₹30,000.00
Rajesh Uttam 9 1,004.25 ₹20,000.00
Amit Sur 10 1,003.88 ₹10,000.00

Day 1

Day 1 of the India Turbo Masters saw player Jimmy Arora ruling the leaderboard. The second and the third place was claimed by Puneet Mishra and Sushant Sirohi respectively. 

Player Place LBP Final Prizes
Jimmy Arora 1 1,459.35 ₹3,00,000.00
Puneet Mishra 2 1,183.43 ₹2,00,000.00
Sushant Sirohi 3 1,041.29 ₹1,60,000.00
Rajesh Uttam 4 1,004.25 ₹1,00,000.00
Karan Radia 5 982.76 ₹80,000.00
Sony Puthussery 6 896.12 ₹60,000.00
Amit Sur 7 875.36 ₹40,000.00
Manish Jangid 8 827.25 ₹30,000.00
Aayush Arya 9 792.49 ₹20,000.00
NA 10 727.71 ₹10,000.00

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With a Masters Degree in Journalism and Communication, Mrinal Gujare currently is cruising through an exciting genre of writing and editing at Gutshot Magazine. Apart from being an Editor, Mrinal is an avid reader and a former contemporary dancer. She is also perennially hungry for intriguing scoops from across the globe. No holds barred is the rule Mrinal follows in life.

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