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Category: APT Super High Roller – 8 Max – Vietnam

Sua Ships APT Super High Roller For VND 1,922,930,000 (~USD 82,700) APT Super High Roller – 8 Max – Vietnam

03 Jun, 2023 Sua Ships APT Super High Roller For VND 1,922,930,000 (~USD 82,700)

From being the heads-up chip lead to becoming the winner Shung Er Sua has indeed come a long way. The newly crowned APT Summer Series, Hanoi, Vietnam 2023 SHR winner takes home a pay cheque of VND 1,922,930,000 (~USD 82,700). The Malaysia-born Taiwanese player chipped up quite well in t...

Xiaosheng Zheng Turns Runner-Up For VND 1,390,920,000 (~$59,800) APT Super High Roller – 8 Max – Vietnam

03 Jun, 2023 Xiaosheng Zheng Turns Runner-Up For VND 1,390,920,000 (~$59,800)

Level 23, Blinds: 80K/160K, Ante 160K Xiaosheng Zheng finished second in the APT Summer Series, Hanoi, Vietnam 2023 for VND 1,390,920,000 (~$59,800). Take a look at how the final hand of the game unfolded. From the small blind Shung Er Sua shoved and Xiaosheng Zheng threw in his tournam...

Sua Extends Lead APT Super High Roller – 8 Max – Vietnam

03 Jun, 2023 Shung Er Sua Extends His Lead!

Level 23, Blinds: 80K/160K, Ante 160K Shung Er Sua who had a commanding lead when heads-up began on Level 22 has now added some more chips to his stack and his opponent is feeling the pressure. Sua opened with 350,000 and his rival Xiaosheng Zheng called. 9♦ A♣ 3♥ came on the flop and Z...

APT Vietnam SHR 2023 Heads-Up Begins! APT Super High Roller – 8 Max – Vietnam

03 Jun, 2023 APT Vietnam SHR 2023 Heads-Up Begins!

Level 22, Blinds: 60K/120K, Ante 120K APT Summer Series Hanoi, Vietnam 2023 SHR now has its heads-up rivals in Xiaosheng Zheng and Shung Er Sua. The Super High Roller which was a single day event will see its winner in some time. Stay tuned. Sua has a commanding lead over his rival and ...

Dinh Tien Thanh Has Been Eliminated in 3rd Place for VND 897,370,000 (~$38,600) (1) APT Super High Roller – 8 Max – Vietnam

03 Jun, 2023 Dinh Tien Thanh Finishes 3rd Place For VND 897,370,000 (~$38,600)

Level 22, Blinds: 60K/120K, Ante 60K Dinh Tien Thanh exited the SHR tourney in 3rd place for VND 897,370,000 (~$38,600). From the small blind Shung Er Sua shoved all in. Thanh quickly called from the small blind position. Sua had A♦ 9♥ and Thanh played with A♣ 4♣. 8♦ T♣ 3♦ 7♠ 2♠ gave Th...

Lev Kydatov Takes The 4th Spot For VND 679,430,000 (~USD 29,220) (1) APT Super High Roller – 8 Max – Vietnam

03 Jun, 2023 Lev Kydatov Takes The 4th Spot For VND 679,430,000 (~USD 29,220)

Level 21, Blinds 50K/10K, ante 10K Lev Kydatov is out in the 4th place for a payday of VND 679,430,000 (~USD 29,220). The Russian player was first to act, but also tanked for a while and then committed all his chips. When action folded to the big blind player (China’s Xiaoshung Zh...

Jhon Hendri Has Been Eliminated in 5th Place for VND 525,600,000 (~$22,600) (1) APT Super High Roller – 8 Max – Vietnam

03 Jun, 2023 Jhon Hendri Out In 5th Place For VND 525,600,000 (~$22,600)

Level 21, Blinds 50K/10K, ante 10K Jhon Hendri was knocked out in the 5th place. He had a payday of VND 525,600,000 (~$22,600). Shung Er Sua opened with 200,000. Hendri defended his big blind. An all-heart flop opened: 9♥ T♥ Q♥. Hendri checked his option. Sua threw in 150,000 which Hend...

Joshua Mccully APT Super High Roller – 8 Max – Vietnam

02 Jun, 2023 Joshua Mccully Leaves The Game In 7th Place For VND 326,900,000 

Level 20, Blinds: 40K/80K, 80K ante Joshua Mccully was eliminated in 7th place for VND 326,900,000 (~$14,050). Mccully opened with 600,000 pre-flop. Xiaosheng Zheng shoved all-in which covered the Australia native’s stack. Mccully threw a single chip into the pot to signify a call...

Van Tan Dong Finishes 6th For VND 410,220,000 (~USD 17,650) APT Super High Roller – 8 Max – Vietnam

02 Jun, 2023 Van Tan Dong Finishes 6th For VND 410,220,000 (~USD 17,650)

Level 20: Blinds 40K/80K, ante 80K Eliminations continued in the APT Summer Series, Hanoi, Vietnam 2023 SHR. This time it was Van Tan Dong who was out in the 6th place for a payday of VND 410,220,000 (~USD 17,650). The young Vietnamese player raised to 850,000 from the highjack spot lea...

King Lun Shih APT Super High Roller – 8 Max – Vietnam

02 Jun, 2023 Luke Martinelli Out In 8th Place For VND 256,390,000

Level 19, Blinds: 30K/60K, ante 60K  Luke Martinelli exits in the 8th spot for a sum of VND 256,390,000 (~USD 11,030). The Australia native became the first casualty on the final table. Martinelli shoved his stack of over a million against rival Sua Shung Er of Malaysia. Sua played with...

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