Ultimate Battle (UB), India’s first one-stop online esports platform, is gearing up to host an exciting tournament series for the recently-launched game Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) on their platform. With an aim to boost the esports and gaming ecosystem in the country, UB has launched this exclusive Indian game on its platform. While the whole focus of esports is shifted to online with the absence of local area network (LAN) events due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the tournaments will help the esports athletes and their roster to start their grind and prepare for national and international events.
The country’s most popular esports platform UB, which has been the destination for playing many action-packed games with high-end graphics and has successfully integrated more than 10 esports title games to the platform, with BGMI, this exclusively designed game will fuel the growth of mobile gaming in India and the game will leverage the power of the mobile-first gaming ecosystem of the country.
With the participation of both professionals and casual gamers, it also has the ranking system in place as part of the automated leaderboard based on the performances of the players and the winners will be awarded exciting prize money.
ALSO READ: Ultimate Battle – Virtual Paradise For Gamers
Exciting Features For BGMI Players:
“At Ultimate Battle we are very excited to launch BGMI on our platform which is an exclusive Indian game as we strive to provide the esports community with the gaming events, content, and more through our online esports platform which caters to more than 3,00,000 registered gamers. The pre-registration phase has already marked a great success with 40 million Indian gamers which will continue to grow. We will host multiple online tournaments as it’s the favourite game among the Indian gamers which is making a much-awaited come back. We’ll also be looking into adding BGMI to our flagship tournament All India Esports league (AIEL), which will be launched this month,” said Tarun Gupta, Founder, Ultimate Battle.
ALSO READ: Tarun Gupta On Technology And The Growth Of The Esports Industry
Currently, the platform has garnered a player base of more than 3,00,000 gamers and has been growing steadily. With over 54,000 monthly active gamers, an active community awaits the users to interact and compete with.
The platform is now available on Google Play Store for Android users and so far has seen over 63,000 downloads. The freshly launched app will facilitate easier connectivity and accessibility for its gamers and leverage the power of the mobile-first ecosystem. Download the Ultimate Battle App on Play Store today!
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Donna Amo was a writer at Gutshot Magazine. She is a graduate from Sophia College of Women, Mumbai with a degree in English Literature. When this October born foodie is not writing content or poetry, she spends her time laughing at memes or watching series. Based out of Mizoram, she is drawn to all things nature and has a soft spot for puppies.
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