In the electrifying world of online poker, a new champion has emerged from the virtual felt. Tushar Kumar Gautam who goes by the username ‘Cruxified’ has clinched the top spot in A23 Poker‘s prestigious Last Millionaire Standing tournament held on 11th May 2024, pocketing a whopping ₹10 Lakh prize. This victory is not just about the money; it’s a testament to Gautam’s skill, strategy, and composure under pressure.
A23 Poker’s Last Millionaire Standing is a tournament that stands out for its intense knockout format. With a limited field of 300 players, each participant knows that the odds are as good as they get in the world of online poker. The buy-in was set at ₹3,000, a small price for the potential of a life-changing return.
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Gautam’s path to victory was a showcase of poker excellence. The tournament, which promises one millionaire every week of May, saw Gautam outmanoeuvre and outlast his opponents in a gruelling contest of Texas Hold’em. The event kicked off on Saturday at 7:30 PM, and Gautam’s triumph came after a series of calculated moves and timely bluffs.
ALSO READ: A23 Poker’s Last Millionaire Standing Schedule
Here’s what Gautam had to say on his victory “This was the very first time I’ve played on the A23 Poker app, I’ve been playing online poker for a while now and the Last Millionaire Standing tournament pushed me to sign-up on A23 Poker. I was instantly in love with the UI on A23 Poker and now that I’ve won, I’m even happier.” When asked on how he wishes to spend this money, he said “I’ve not yet decided on what to do with this massive pay cheque. But I’m looking forward to the next tournament on 19th May and hopeful I can ship this event too.”
Tushar Kumar Gautam’s win in the Last Millionaire Standing tournament sets a new excitement for poker enthusiasts. It’s a story of triumph that will inspire both seasoned players and newcomers to the game. As A23 Poker continues to offer such thrilling opportunities, we cannot wait to see who is next to claim their spot in the millionaire’s circle.
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