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Tag: IPC Megastacks May 2022

IPC Megastacks May 2022

19 May, 2022 Ahuja Doubles Up Again!?

Ashish Ahuja is on a role, as the poker veteran scored another major double up in just 20 minutes! At Level 5 with blinds at 1,000/2,500 Harsh Dembla raised 16,500 to counter a previous bet of 5,500 as he had pocket jacks at his disposal. Ahuja, unable to resist the charm of his Ladies,...

IPC Megastacks May 2022

19 May, 2022 Big Double Up For Ahuja

While the internet may go down, the game carries on. Table 7 witnessed Ashish Ahuja shove 32,000 with cards A A in response to a 4,500 bet with blinds at 1,000/2,000. This move was called by Ashish Munot who also went all-in with A K. The rest folded and the board opened T 6 K […]

IPC Megastacks May 2022

19 May, 2022 Arjanveer Exits At The 5th Spot

At Level 27 with blinds at 40,000/80,000, ante 80,000, Arjanveer Singh Chadha shoved 2,60,000 preflop and Kanishka Samant matched. The community cards fell 5 A 9 3 2. Both players had King-high hands but Samant’s higher kicker saved the day. Sadly for Chadha, it was time to bid adieu at...

IPC Megastacks May 2022

19 May, 2022 Kanchan’s Hooks Trap Som

On Table 11, female pro Kanchan Sharma, who sat with fish hooks, raised a player’s bet of 5,000 to 15,000. Som Shekhar called the raise, and the flop opened to Q 6 3. Sharma bet 11,000 and Shekhar raised to 36,000, to which Sharma called. On the turn of J, Shekhar shoved all-in an...

IPC Megastacks May 2022

19 May, 2022 Vatsal Gets The Boot

At Level 26, an interesting hand unfolded. Preflop saw Vatsal Kumar going all-in with 285,000. Sameer Agarwal and Mahesh Shyamsundar make the call. Flop and turn were checked by both Shyamsundar and Agarwal. Finally on the river, Agarwal bet 105,000 which led to Shyamsundar folding his ...

IPC Megastacks May 2022

19 May, 2022 Raju’s Hearts Flushes Sanga

A player bet 3,000 preflop and Sanga Yo raised 12,000. Raju Shekhar called holding the little slick. On seeing the flop open to three hearts (2 9 K), the player bet 18,000. Sanga Yo raised to 55,000, and Shekhar who sat with a nut flush draw called. The turn of Q completed his flush and...

IPC Megastacks May 2022

19 May, 2022 Samay Clocks Out

In some heavy duty preflop action Samay Singh Modi bet 120,000 and Sameer Agarwal raised to 400,000. This move resulted in Modi shoving all his tournament chips into the pot and Agarwal who had a Big Slick in his armoury spared no time in matching the former’s bet. The board ran out 8 9...

IPC Megastacks May 2022

19 May, 2022 Ace Delivers Pot To Vishal

In a tournament like IPC 100K High Roller, players are always on the hunt for any opportunity to chip up as it will help them run deep and apply pressure. On one table, Vishal Ojha bet 4,000 preflop with hole cards A J. Aayush Arya responded with a 10,000 raise which was called then by ...

IPC Megastacks May 2022

19 May, 2022 Dembla’s Aces Crack Munot’s Nines

Ashish Munot with his pocket nines bet 6x (3,000 chips) during Level 1, blinds 500/500 preflop. Harsh Dembla raised to 21,000 chips banking on his pocket rockets. The flop opened to 5 Q K and the turn showed a Q. After such huge bets and raise preflop, we expected a c-bet on the followi...

IPC Megastacks May 2022

19 May, 2022 Ashish Finishes In the 8th Place

Ashish Ahuja who had doubled up through Kanishka Samant just a few minutes ago has bid adieu to the game. Ahuja bet 1,00,000 and Mahesh Shyamsyndar jammed with 8 A. Ahuja matched the bet. The community cards fell 2 7 T 9 5. This gave Shyamsundar an Ace-high and Ahuja was eliminated in t...

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