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Tag: IPC Megastacks May 2022

IPC Megastacks May 2022

21 May, 2022 Sameer Trips Karwa

On Table 4, at Level 3 Sameer Shivhare bet 300 as he had Snowmen, the rest on the table called his bet. The flop brought J 8 7 which gave him a set. Vivek Karwa bet 1,100 from the big blind with J 8. Shivhare bet to 5,000 as he flopped a set, which was […]

IPC Megastacks May 2022

21 May, 2022 Jaydeep Dawer Bosses Around With A Massive Stack

We’re an hour and a half into the game and we have World Series Of Poker (WSOP) bracelet winner Aditya Sushant, Jaydeep Dawer, Ashish Ahuja, Minissha Lamba among others already grinding in the IPC ME Day 1B. So far there are 60 entries for this event. Here are some of the chip cou...

IPC Megastacks May 2022

21 May, 2022 Players Throng The Registration Desk To Join IPC 60K ME Day 1B

The India Poker Championship Day 1B started at sharp 4 PM and so far over 50 players have registered. The late registration period for this event goes on till Level 9. The first celebrity who walked through the doors of Casino Vegas and registered for IPC ME Day 1B is Siddhanth Kapoor. ...

IPC Megastacks May 2022

21 May, 2022 Runner Runner Queens For Harshad

Varad Patil bet 700 holding A T preflop. Harshad Barve called the bet from the small blind. The board revealed a pair with 9 9 2 on board. The action checked on the flop and the turn showed Q, and Barve called Patil’s 1,300 bet. The action again checked on the Q river and Barve [&...

IPC Megastacks May 2022

21 May, 2022 Day 1B Starts Slow, Is It Because Of Yesterdays High Roller?

The IPC 100K High Roller kept players awake until dawn and whom can we blame? Who would want to miss out on a final table consisting of WSOP bracelet winners Abhinav Iyer and Nikita Luther, Arsh Grover, Anuj Yadav, Faiz Alam, Alok Birewar, and Bollywood celebrities Siddhanth Kapoor and ...

IPC Megastacks May 2022

21 May, 2022 Jaydeep’s Flush Ends Armaan

The action is starting to pick up on the live felts and on Table 5 the players Jaydeep Dawer and online reg Armaan Kochhar went head to head. Dawer who had J 7 decided to bet 300 and was called by the others. With 4 8 6 on the flop, it was Kochhar that flopped […]

IPC Megastacks May 2022

21 May, 2022 Harsh vs Harshad

Not every hand is a bomb hand on a poker table. Day 1B of the IPC Megastacks May 2022 Main Event also had one such hand play out between Harsh Dembla and Harshad Barve. At Level 1 on Table 4, preflop saw Harshad Barve opening with 300 which was called by two other players. On […]

IPC Megastacks May 2022

21 May, 2022 Sunil’s Sweet Sixteen Claims The Pot

A player bet 300 and Sunil Chaudhary called from the button, Akhilendra Kumar raised to 1,600 from the big blind. On seeing the flop of 6 Q 9, Kumar bet 1,000, and was called by Chaudhary to see the turn of 8. Kumar again bet 2,100, followed by calling action. On the river 7, Kumar [&he...

IPC Megastacks May 2022

21 May, 2022 Harshad’s Full Boat Floats On The River

Day 1B of the Main Event saw a slow start with only a few players arriving on time at the event. However, once the action began there was no going back. With blinds at 100/100 on Table 4, the India Online Poker Championship July 2021 Blaze of Glory winner, Harshad Barve bet 300 preflop ...

IPC Megastacks May 2022

21 May, 2022 Barve Steals The Pot

With the limited players seated on the table, Harshad Barve bet 600 from the button, and Vasim Rozani raised to 2,300 from the big blind. Barve called to see the flop of 9 3 7. Rozani bet 2,500 this time and Barve called. The turn opened to 7, and Rozani bet 3,500, which was raised [&he...

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