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'M@neyM@ker' wins SSS Event #10; tops Leaderboard Poker
Gutshot Editorial
Posted on 12 Sep, 2018
By Gutshot Editorial
On 12 Sep, 2018
By Gutshot Editorial
On 12 Sep, 2018

‘M@neyM@ker’ wins SSS Event #10; tops Leaderboard

The Spartan Super Series (SSS) is one of India’s best online poker tournament series, and a player called ‘M@neyM@ker’ yesterday made a very successful start to the series, shipping SSS Event #2 on the opening day and ending the day at the top of the SSS Leaderboard, where INR 10 lakh is waiting to be won, including INR 4 lakh to the leaderboard topper.

The player then decided to continue his good run and win another SSS title on Day 2 of the series, this time winning SSS Event #10 INR 10 Lakh GTD and finishing Day 2 at the top of the SSS Leaderboard as well. Not just is he making useful additions to his bankroll, the player is also giving himself a strong chance of winning the leaderboard.

He took part in the final tournament of Day 2 last night, a re-entry tournament with a buy-in of INR 2,200. At the end of the late registration period, a total field of 603 entries had registered, beating the guarantee and creating a new prize pool of INR 12.06 lakh. This was then shared among the top 47 finishers, winning a minimum prize of INR 6,874.

M@neyM@ker completed another successful victory, when he finally busted his heads-up opponent ‘CyaanBaatna’ in the early hours of today morning. M@neyM@ker was paid out the hefty first-place prize of INR 2,35,049 by Spartan, while CyaanBaatna wouldn’t be too disappointed himself, taking away a prize of INR 1,49,303 for finishing second.

Before the final hand of the night, M@neyM@ker held a chip lead of 4:1 and he decided to shove all his chips into the pot when the flop opened 4h Td 7d and his 4d Jd hit a pair of Fours. Surprisingly, his opponent made the call with 9d 5d. The flop and turn opened As and Js respectively, improving M@neyM@ker’s hand and giving him the pot with Jacks and Fours, while the board didn’t improve CyaanBaatna’s hand.

This marked the end of Day 2 of this edition of the Spartan Super Series. Today, another five SSS tournaments have been scheduled on Spartan and you can find all updates of the same on GutshotMagazine.com.

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