In a latest development from the gambling hub of Asia, casino workers will now no longer be allowed on the gaming floor of casinos post working hours. Just a few days back, the Macau Legislative Assembly passed a draft bill that bans all local casino workers from entering Macau casinos apart from when on duty.
The main purpose of passing of this bill is to reduce ‘problem gambling’ and gambling addictions among casino workers in Macau. The casino workers’ bill has now been passed on to the concerned committee for further deliberations and refining of the clauses of the bill.
This issue was brought to the fore after a recent study showed that over 30% of all those who come for assistance to deal with gambling-related issues come from the casino industry. This was revealed by Hoi Wa Pou, the Deputy Director of Macau’s Social Affairs Bureau.
What this means is that there may be a slight hit in revenues from the Macau casinos in the near future, as ‘casino workers’ will include a number of casino employees such as dealers, public relations staff, security personnel, cashiers, cleaners, EGM workers and many, many more.
The bill will be taken very seriously, and casino workers identified in casinos after working hours will also be asked to pay fines ranging between MOP 1,000 to MOP 10,000 (~INR 8,500 to 85,000). However, there will be exceptions made to the bill. Employees will be allowed to enter the gaming floors for training purposes. Also, they will be allowed entry on the first three days of the Lunar New Year (Chinese New Year).
We aren’t sure how the authorities will enforce these rules, but we will have to wait and see. Keep reading for all updates on this story.
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