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[LIVE] Final Table Series Leaderboard Updates Poker
Team Gutshot
Posted on 13 Mar, 2022
By Team Gutshot
On 13 Mar, 2022
By Team Gutshot
On 13 Mar, 2022

[LIVE] Final Table Series Leaderboard Updates

FTS Leaderboard Updates

India Poker Championship’s Final Table Series (FTS) has become one of the most awaited online poker events in the industry. First introduced in 2020 with an ₹8 crore guarantee, now the fourth edition of the series has an advertised guarantee of ₹13+ crore! This massive growth in just under two years can be attributed to the enthusiasm of the poker community in the country. Apart from the FTS tournaments, players will also compete for the ₹30 Lakh worth leaderboard!

By the end of the series, only the top 10 players on the leaderboard will walk away with a piece of the lucrative prize pool. For the latest edition, FTS leaderboard comes with a twist where only players who make it to the final table of tournaments will be eligible to compete in the race. 

Gutshot will be following the leaderboard rankings closely and will be giving you a daily update on players climbing the charts. Check out all the FTS leaderboard updates here!

FTS Day 10 

Nitin Rawat aka ‘NITINABD’ nailed the FTS leaderboard battle for ₹10 Lakh with Anuj Yadav taking the second spot for ₹6 Lakh. Vikram Mishra came in third while the fourth and fifth spots were claimed by Mohammad Azhar and Pradip Ghosh. The FTS leaderboard competition was a fierce battle with India Online Poker Championship (IOPC) July 2021 leaderboard topper Yadav in the race. 

1. Nitin Rawat aka ‘NITINABD’ – 4,090.32 LBP

Nitin Rawat

Nitin Rawat

2. Anuj Yadav aka ‘tittooTauji’ – 2,453.68 LBP

Anuj Yadav

Anuj Yadav

3. Vikram Mishra aka ‘MentalScience’ – 2,265.99 LBP

IOPC Day 18: Vishal Tulsyan Clinches Wednesday Prime Title For ₹9.57 Lakh

Vikram Mishra

4. Pradip Ghosh aka ‘Nit2Donk’ – 2,258.03 LBP

FTS Day 10: Arsh Grover Ships The Main Event For 40.23 Lakh!

Pradip Ghosh

5. Mohammad Azhar Tak aka ‘Cupid stunt’ – 2,134.33 LBP

Mohammad Azhar

Mohammad Azhar

Here are the current top 10 leaderboard standings:

Place Name Username Points Final prizes
1 Nitin Rawat NITINABD 4,090.32 ₹10,00,000
2  Anuj Yadav tittooTauji 2,453.68 ₹6,00,000
3 Vikram Kumar Mishra MentalScience 2,265.99 ₹4,00,000
4 Pradip Ghosh Nit2Donk 2,258.03 ₹2,20,000
5 Mohammad Azhar Tak Cupid stunt 2,134.33 ₹1,80,000
6 Arun Sriram  vazharmorghulis 2,130.95 ₹1,60,000
7 Rahul Lal Vasili Arkhipov 1,883.14 ₹1,40,000
8 Arsh Grover BigggTmyeR 1,862.21 ₹1,20,000
9 CARDashian66 FLIPopotamus 1,815.84 ₹1,00,000
10 Arunkumar Singh denoi 1,799.77 ₹80,000

FTS Day 9

Nitin Rawat, Vikram Mishra and Anuj Yadav continue to hold their top three spots respectively on the FTS leaderboard. Arun Sriram takes the fourth spot as Rahul Lal slips to the fifth position. Siddharth Kadel takes the sixth position after Lal grabbed his previously held fifth spot. Who will win the FTS leaderboard? With India Online Poker Championship (IOPC) July 2021 leaderboard topper, Yadav in the race, it won’t be easy to grab the numero uno spot on the leaderboard.

Here are the current top 10 leaderboard standings:

Place Name Username Points Final prizes
1 Nitin Rawat NITINABD 4,088.32 ₹10,00,000
2 Vikram Mishra MentalScience 2,260.99 ₹6,00,000
3 Anuj Yadav tittooTauji 2,227.06 ₹4,00,000
4 Arun Sriram  vazharmorghulis 2,126.95 ₹2,20,000
5 Rahul Lal  Vasili Arkhipov 1,878.14 ₹1,80,000
6 Siddharth Kadel  FLIPopotamus 1,811.84 ₹1,60,000
7 Arunkumar Singh denoi 1,796.77 ₹1,40,000
8 Rajat Sharma NoPrisoners 1,720.13 ₹1,20,000
9 Sahil Chutani  $lim$hady19 1,694.06 ₹1,00,000
10 nirmal512 1,673.51 ₹80,000

FTS Day 8 

Yesterday’s top seven players kept their positions intact on the leaderboard. Nitin Rawat continues his reign as the topper for the seventh consecutive day. Player ‘nirmal512’ made an entry on the leaderboard in the eighth position after shipping FTS #33. Archit Saraogi and Sanat Mehrotra slipped to the ninth and tenth positions, respectively. Arun Sriram exited the top 10 list.

ALSO READ: FTS Day 8: Sajal Gupta Ships High Roller For ₹33.21 Lakh


Here are the current top 10 leaderboard standings:

Place Name Username Points Final prizes
1 Nitin Rawat NITINABD 4,083.32 ₹10,00,000
2 Vikram Mishra MentalScience 2,256.99  ₹6,00,000
3 Anuj Yadav tittooTauji 2,223.06 ₹4,00,000
4 Rahul Lal Vasili Arkhipov 1,874.14 ₹2,20,000
5 Siddharth Kadel FLIPopotamus 1,806.84 ₹1,80,000
6 Rajat Sharma NoPrisoners 1,716.13 ₹1,60,000
7 Sahil Chutani  $lim$hady19 1,694.06 ₹1,40,000
8 nirmal512 1,673.51 ₹1,20,000
9 Archit Saraogi Archit789 1,645.56 ₹1,00,000
10 Sanat Mehrotra orhem3001 1,638.95 ₹80,000

FTS Day 7

Nitin Rawat maintains his top position on the FTS leaderboard for the sixth consecutive day. Vikram Mishra also remained in the second position while India Online Poker Championship July 2021 leaderboard winner, Anuj Yadav climbed the leaderboard to settle on the third position. Rahul Lal slips to the fourth position as Siddharth Kadel, re-enters the top 10 on the fifth spot. Sahil Chutani makes his first debut on the leaderboard in seventh position. Players Arunkumar Singh, Sanket Arora, and Vivek Singh exit the top 10 list.

Here are the current top 10 leaderboard standings:

Place Name Username Points Final prizes
1 Nitin Rawat NITINABD 4,078.32 ₹10,00,000
2 Vikram Mishra MentalScience 2,252.99 ₹6,00,000
3 Anuj Yadav tittooTauji 2,219.06 ₹4,00,000
4 Rahul Lal Vasili Arkhipov 1,868.14 ₹2,20,000
5 Siddharth Kadel FLIPopotamus 1,799.84 ₹1,80,000
6 Rajat Sharma NoPrisoners 1,713.13 ₹1,60,000
7 Sahil Chutani  $lim$hady19 1,691.06 ₹1,40,000
8 Archit Saraogi Archit789 1,640.56 ₹1,20,000
9 Sanat Mehrotra orhem3001 1,634.95 ₹1,00,000
10 Arun Sriram vazharmorghulis 1,620.72 ₹80,000

FTS Day 6

Nitin Rawat continues his reign as the FTS leaderboard topper for the fifth consecutive day. Rahul Lal dropped to the third spot from yesterday’s second position. Vikram Mishra climbed the leaderboard to take the second spot. Rajat Sharma and Archit Saraogi dropped from yesterday’s third and fourth spot to the fifth and sixth positions respectively. Making a spectacular entry at the fourth spot is India Online Poker Championship July 2021 leaderboard topper Anuj Yadav who will be a tough rival to tame. Will Yadav grab the numero uno spot in the coming days? Only time will tell.

Here are the current top 10 leaderboard standings:

Place Name Username Points Final prizes
1 Nitin Rawat NITINABD 3,184.46 ₹10,00,000
2 Vikram Mishra MentalScience 2,242.99 ₹6,00,000
3 Rahul Lal Vasili Arkhipov 1,864.14 ₹4,00,000
4 Anuj Yadav tittooTauji 1,727.80 ₹2,20,000
5 Rajat Sharma NoPrisoners 1,709.13 ₹1,80,000
6 Archit Saraogi Archit789 1,631.56 ₹1,60,000
7 Sanat Mehrotra orhem3001 1,630.95 ₹1,40,000
8 Vivek Singh KasolHieghts 1,560.67 ₹1,20,000
9 Arunkumar Singh denoi 1,500.27 ₹1,00,000
10 Sanket Arora GentleMonster 1,490.13 ₹80,000

FTS Day 5

Nitin Rawat, Rahul Lal, and Rajat Sharma continue their reign at the top three spots on the leaderboard respectively. Archit Saraogi makes a comeback in the fourth spot after exiting the leaderboard for a day. Vivek Singh slips to the fifth position while Sanket Arora makes his debut on the FTS leaderboard in the sixth position. Players Abhimanyu Mittal, and Arun Sriram exited the leaderboard.

Here are the current top 10 leaderboard standings:

Place Name Username Points Final prizes
1 Nitin Rawat NITINABD 2,809.03 ₹10,00,000
2 Rahul Lal Vasili Arkhipov 1,859.14 ₹6,00,000
3 Rajat Sharma NoPrisoners 1,701.13 ₹4,00,000
4 Archit Saraogi  Archit789 1,624.56 ₹2,20,000
5 Vivek Singh  KasolHeights 1,555.67 ₹1,80,000
6 Sanket Arora GentleMonster 1,482.13 ₹1,60,000
7 Vikram Mishra  MentalScience 1,464.12 ₹1,40,000
8 Amit Gehani Kavipri 1.356.28 ₹1,20,000
9 Siddharth Kadel FLIPopotamus 1,345.74 ₹1,00,000
10 Unnikrishnan Nair swimminwdafishies 1,312.37 ₹80,000

FTS Day 4

Nitin Rawat is guarding his numero uno spot on the FTS leaderboard for the third consecutive day. He is followed by Rahul Lal, who made a big leap from the sixth to the second position. Rajat Sharma made his debut on the FTS leaderboard by standing tall on the third spot. FTS 3.0 High Roller champion Vivek Singh is placed fourth. India Online Poker Championship (IOPC) January 2022 Main Event winner Amit Gehani made an entry on the fifth spot and is sure to steam up the leaderboard competition further.

Here are the current top 10 leaderboard standings:

Place Name Username Points Final prizes
1 Nitin Rawat NITINABD 2,801.03 ₹10,00,000
2 Rahul Lal Vasili Arkhipov 1,855.14 ₹6,00,000
3 Rajat Sharma NoPrisoners 1,701.13 ₹4,00,000
4 Vivek Singh KasolHieghts 1,551.67 ₹2,20,000
5 Amit Gehani Kavipri 1,349.28 ₹1,80,000
6 Siddharth Kadel FLIPopotamus 1,340.74 ₹1,60,000
7 Unnikrishnan Nair swimminwdafishies 1,305.37 ₹1,40,000
8 NoConnection 1,294.06 ₹1,20,000
9 Abhimanyu Mittal Asraat Manfi 1,229.72 ₹1,00,000
10 Arun Sriram vazharmorghulis 1,210.62 ₹80,000

FTS Day 3 

Nitin Rawat, Vivek Singh, and Siddharth Kadel continue to dominate the top three spots on the FTS leaderboard at the end of Day 3. Unnikrishnan Nair aka ‘swimminwdafishies’ made a dazzling entry at the fourth spot on the leaderboard with his FTS #9 victory. The fifth spot also saw a new entrant in the form of Abhimanyu Mittal aka ‘Asraat Manfi.’

Here are the current top 10 leaderboard standings:

Place Name Username Points Final prizes
1 Nitin Rawat NITINABD 2,791.03 ₹10,00,000
2 Vivek Singh KasolHieghts 1,544.67 ₹6,00,000
3 Siddharth Kadel FLIPopotamus 1,333.74 ₹4,00,000
4 Unnikrishnan Nair swimminwdafishies 1,298.37 ₹2,20,000
5 Abhimanyu Mittal Asraat Manfi 1,229.72 ₹1,80,000
6 Rahul Lal Vasili Arkhipov 1,212.37 ₹1,60,000
7 Mangubansal 1,116.94 ₹1,40,000
8 Archit Saraogi Archit789 1,073.16 ₹1,20,000
9 mukuw 1,045.74 ₹1,00,000
10 Mritunjay Singh Nahi chahiye 1,018.10 ₹80,000

FTS Day 2

Leaderboard standings for Day 2 are out! Nitin Rawat who crushed an event yesterday and was a runner-up at another FTS event is on the numero uno spot. Vivek Singh sits on the second position after crushing the ₹9 Lakh GTD event. Siddharth Kadel who was on the top spot on Day 1 now takes the third spot. Anonymous players ‘Mangubansal’ and ‘mukuw’ took the fourth and fifth spot respectively.

ALSO READ: FTS Day 2: Srivastava, Singh, And Rawat Clinch Titles

Here are the current top 10 leaderboard standings:

Place Name Username Points Final prizes
1 Nitin Rawat NITINABD 2,783.03 ₹10,00,000
2 Vivek Singh KasolHieghts 1,535.67 ₹6,00,000
3 Siddharth Kadel FLIPopotamus 1,324.74 ₹4,00,000
4 Mangubansal 1,113.94 ₹2,20,000
5 mukuw  1,040.74 ₹1,80,000
6 Rohish Shetty Rohish 982.06 ₹1,60,000
7 Sanat Mehrotra orhem3001 970.77 ₹1,40,000
8 Arnav Sharma AIOps 958.32 ₹1,20,000
9 Anurag Srivastava CultOfPersonality 935.48 ₹1,00,000
10 Rajat Sharma NoPrisoners 934.24 ₹80,000

FTS Day 1

The race for the leaderboard has already begun with Siddharth Kadel taking the number one spot on Day 1 with 1,316.74 points. ‘Mangubansal’ followed close in the second spot with 1,103.94 points. Nitin Rawat reached the third place with 1,044.21 points. Mystery player ‘mukuw’ takes the fourth spot and FTS Friday Special winner Sanat Mehrotra comes in fifth place.

ALSO READ: FTS Day 1: Sanat Mehrotra Ships Friday Special For 9.7 Lakh

Here are the current top 10 leaderboard standings:

Place Name Username Points Final prizes
1 Siddharth Kadel FLIPopotamus 1,316.74 ₹10,00,000
2 Mangubansal 1,103.94  ₹6,00,000
3 Nitin Rawat NITINABD 1,044.21 ₹4,00,000
4 mukuw 1,034.74 ₹2,20,000
5 Sanat Mehrotra orhem3001 966.77 ₹1,80,000
6 Arnav Sharma AIOps 950.32 ₹1,60,000
7 Rajat Sharma NoPrisoners 934.24 ₹1,40,000
8 Arjanveer Singh Chadha bazzingaa 762.91 ₹1,20,000
9 Shreeharsha Boneni yUDdam 730.13 ₹1,00,000
10 Vivek Singh KasolHieghts 685.07 ₹80,000

For more FTS [LIVE] updates, keep reading Gutshot Magazine. Follow us on our social handles Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Telegram.

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