As per the latest news updates, Hyderabad city police along with the Task Force team busted a cricket betting racket. The police arrested five people including a Goa casino owner. The news reports state that ₹15.65 Lakh in cash, 23 mobile phones, a voice recorder, a line connector instrument box and other incriminating material was seized by the police during the raid.
The media reports state that the Task Force team from the central zone acted on a tip-off. This team along with the Ramgopalpet police conducted a midnight raid and arrested the members who were involved in the raid near the Wesley PG College, Sindhi Colony.
From those arrested one has been identified as Bhupal Yadav alias Bhupal, a 43-year-old resident of Nallagutta Bojja. Nikhil Gupta, 36, a native of Hisar, Haryana was also arrested along with Praveen Sarna alias Bunty, 45, who is a resident of Shriganga Nagar, Rajasthan.
ALSO READ: Online Gambling Racket Busted By Mumbai Police; 14 Arrested
Yash Kumar Arora alias Sam, 20, a resident of Pili Banga, Rajasthan, and Amit Niranjan Doshi, 48, the Goa casino operator who is a resident of Sindhi Colony were also arrested by the Task Force team. Media reports also state that Doshi was operating an online cricket betting racket throughout the country with the help of agents and punters.
An official reportedly said, “He hired people on a commission basis to organize online cricket betting clandestinely. He has been running cricket betting for four years with the help of other suspects.”
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With a Masters Degree in Journalism and Communication, Mrinal Gujare currently is cruising through an exciting genre of writing and editing at Gutshot Magazine. Apart from being an Editor, Mrinal is an avid reader and a former contemporary dancer. She is also perennially hungry for intriguing scoops from across the globe. No holds barred is the rule Mrinal follows in life.
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