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Category: APT Super High Roller – 8 Max

APT Super High Roller – 8 Max

30 Apr, 2023 Boonnak Jitrada Leaves At The 7th Spot

Level 23, Blinds: 80K/160K, Ante 160K The action picked up pace from Sam Lam (middle position) who open-jammed for approx. 30 big blinds. Boonnak Jitrada from the cutoff position quickly made the call for roughly 3,000,000. The remaining players bowed out of the hand leaving Jitrada and...

Day 1 Ends With India’s Abhinav Iyer Bagging 4th Highest Stack APT Super High Roller – 8 Max

30 Apr, 2023 Final 7 Chip Counts Are In, Abhinav Has The Fourth Highest Stack

Level 23, Blinds: 80K/160K, Ante 160K We have the chip counts for the final seven players in the APT Taipei 2023 Super High Roller. India’s Abhinav Iyer is going strong as the fourth highest stack in play. Take a look at the final seven chip counts.           &n...

APT Super High Roller – 8 Max

30 Apr, 2023 Rubianes Takes The 8th Spot

Level 22, Blinds: 60K/120K, Ante 120K Vincent Rubianes was a short-stacked player for almost all of Day 2 of the APT Taipei 2023 SHR. He again open-jammed with 790,000. Yu-Chung Chang wasn’t backing out of locking horns with his rival. Rubianes revealed 5♠ 5♦. India’s Abhinav Iyer asked...

APT Super High Roller – 8 Max

30 Apr, 2023 En Ning Chen Out In 9th Place 

Level 22, Blinds: 60K/120K, Ante 120K From under the gun (UTG), stunner Natalie Teh holding the Big Slick opened the action with 240,000. En Ning Chen who is a high-stakes cash game reg went all-in from the hijack position with 1,450,000. The action circled back to Teh who made the call...

SHR FT Set As Wing Po Liu Becomes Bubble Boy APT Super High Roller – 8 Max

30 Apr, 2023 SHR FT Set As Wing Po Liu Becomes Bubble Boy

Level 22, Blinds: 60K/120K, Ante 120K The final table with nine players in the APT Taipei 2023 Super High Roller is set. Wing Po Liu became the final table bubble boy when his A♥ T♦ crashed into Jun Obara’s Big Slick. When the two rivals locked horns for a showdown, the atmosphere...

Sai Ho Chiu Falls In The 11th Place APT Super High Roller – 8 Max

30 Apr, 2023 Sai Ho Chiu Falls In The 11th Place

Level 21, Blinds: 50K/100K, Ante 100K In a previous hand Chiu and Obara had war of words when Chiu with A♦ 2♣ doubled up against Obara’s 9♠ 3♦. The board revealed 5♦ 2♦ Q♠ 3♠ A♥. Chiu knocked on the table after hitting two pairs and said to Obara, “You think I don’t kn...

APT Super High Roller – 8 Max

30 Apr, 2023 Jim Sue Pan Finishes 12th!

Level 20, Blinds: 40K/80K, Ante 80K Jim Sue Pan had his last big blind in hand and had to throw in that remaining bit nevermind what cards he received. Fung Sam Lam and En Ning Chen both were eyeing Pan’s bustout and both the players were involved in this hand. The flop fells as A♣ [&he...

APT Super High Roller – 8 Max

30 Apr, 2023 Ren Hsien Koh Takes The 13th Spot 

Level 20, Blinds: 40K/80K, Ante 80K Ren Hsien Koh bowed in style after 4-betting with 720,000 chips from the cutoff position. He went against rival Fung Sam Lam who 3-bet him pre-flop from the big blind position. The dealer fanned out a flop of T♠ 9♥ 6♠. Koh went all-in with 1,600,000. ...

Obara Shows Ting-Yi Tsai The Door APT Super High Roller – 8 Max

30 Apr, 2023 Obara Shows Ting-Yi Tsai The Door 

Level 20, Blinds: 40K/80K, Ante 80K At Table 2 when preflop action saw Ting-Yi Tsai (A♠ 6♠) jamming all-in for 900,000 the room suddenly went silent. Action then folded back to Jun Obara (A♥ A♣) in the small blind. The Japanese reg quickly matched the bet and the board was revealed as: ...

APT Super High Roller – 8 Max

30 Apr, 2023 APT Taipei 2023 Super High Roller: Chip Counts At Break!

Take a quick look at the chip counts of the final 14 players who are battling it out for the top spot. Fung Sam Lam is leading with 4,700,000 chips and close behind him is India’s first solo WSOP bracelet winner Abhinav Iyer with a stack of 4,600,000. Name Chip Counts Boonnak Jitr...

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