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A23 Poker
IPC 60K Main Event
Amarylisa Gonsalves
Posted on 22 May, 2022
By Amarylisa Gonsalves
On 22 May, 2022
By Amarylisa Gonsalves
On 22 May, 2022

Big Pot For Arjanveer

Table 10 saw some exciting action when Apoorva Goel bet 6,000 with J J , and was raised to 23,500 by Arjanveer Singh Chadha. Goel re-raised to 78,000. Singh tanked and a clock was called for him before shoving all-in with 202,500 and Goel called. The board fanned out 9 Q A 5 T , and Goel flipped J J , while Singh showed A K to win the pot with A-pair. Afterall, the tanking wasn’t a waste of time we’d say.  

  • Singh: A K
  • Goel: J J
  • Board: 9 Q A 5 T


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