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Poker Dictionary - Combo Draws Poker-Dictionary
Manthra Koliyer
Posted on 26 Aug, 2021
By Manthra Koliyer
On 26 Aug, 2021
By Manthra Koliyer
On 26 Aug, 2021

Poker Dictionary – Combo Draws

Hello folks! We are back again with an opportunity to get yourself better acquainted with the poker world and its terms. Let’s start our poker lessons for the week. Have you heard the term ‘combo draws’ in poker? If you haven’t, then let us dissect this term together.

What Is A Combo Draw?

In poker, two significant draws that one can come across are straight draw and flush draw. A combo draw refers to having both straight and flush draw in a single hand. For example, if a player has the following hole cards, 10 Spades, 9 Spades. The flop opens to J Spades, 8 Diamonds, 4 Spades. There are two possibilities in such a case: an open-ended straight draw and a flush draw.

In certain chances, having a combo draw on the flop can give a player a better chance of winning. For example, the player with 10 Spades and 9 Spades has a better chance of winning this hand (56%) even compared to a K Diamonds and K Hearts (44%). A combo draw is considered to be a draw that has several outs. Here are some examples of combo draws:

  • An open-ended straight draw with a pair has 13 outs against an overpair
  • A flush draw with a pair has 14 outs
  • A Gutshot straight flush draw has 12 outs
  • A flush draw and a straight draw has15 outs
  • An open-ended straight flush draw has 15 outs

Should you play combo draws?

Yes! It would be best to push these hands hard as they are big money earners for all good players. If you raise pre-flop, bet and raise on the flop, you are surely getting way more than the required break-even odds on your draw. If you do not get it on the flop, and in case a scare card comes on the flop, your opponent may not be willing to put in that much money. This will make it hard for you to get paid on your hand.

Fast playing combo draws will not only give you great equity in the pot but help gain fold equity. For instance, if you get an open-ended straight-flush draw on the flop itself, you bet the flop, and your opponent raises. You will be getting more than the required odds to call in such a scenario, but you shove instead. At this point, you can easily win the pot by hitting one of your numerous outs, or you can win by having your opponent fold.

ALSO READ: Poker Dictionary – Traps In Poker

Poker is a game of choices. As a grinder, you make money by making the correct choices and capitalising on your opponents’ mistakes. In the case of combo draws, only when you start pushing these hands hard can they earn you big money.

Have you given this a thought? What will you do when you get a combo draw? Tell us in the comments below. To learn more about such poker terms, you can take a look at our poker dictionary. We also have a plethora of poker variants that you can check out from our collection of poker terms. To read more about poker, keep reading GutshotMagazine.com

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Manthra Koliyer is a writer at Gutshot Magazine. She has an affinity for seeing the world through people’s eyes. With a bubbly fun personality, you can always catch her chatting with anyone she comes across. Holding an English Literature degree from Wilson College, Mumbai, and a Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism from Asian College of Journalism, this pop culture fanatic is ready to take on the world with a pen, paper, and microphone. She also actively works on her personal blog called namasteyconvict.blogspot.com, where for a moment she lets you into her drama-filled world.

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